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The handsome face turns cold, and his lips curve into a grin as sharp as it is wicked. “Light erodes our compassion. Now, I have no reservations about taking what I want from my mate.”


I back away from the monster, except he isn’t a monster anymore but the most beautiful man I’d ever seen. Tall, muscular, and blond with the face of an angel but the smile of a devil.

My gaze travels down his body, taking in broad shoulders, prominent pecs, and a six-pack so tight that my breaths turn shallow. Resting on those abdominal muscles is a long, thick erection with a rosy tip.

Heat rushes between my thighs. I squeeze them together and swallow back a moan. Something is off about this situation, and I’m not just talking about the naked man advancing on me with sadistic glee.

“What exactly did you mean about light eroding your compassion?” I ask.

“I’m going to bend you over and fuck you until you’re oozing fluids,” he growls.

“But I thought you wanted to take it slow,” I squeak.

“That was before all the goodness in me burned out in the light.”

My stomach plummets to the wooden floorboards. What on earth have I done, and how can I fix things?

I place the phone face-down on the bed, trying to make the room dark again, so he can transform into the gentle and kind monster from the night before, but the light switch flips on its own, flooding the room in bright illumination.

The monster’s skin glows, but the look on his face becomes even more manic.

My eyes widen. “How did you do that?”

“Tentacles,” he says with a wink.

I gulp over and over, trying to make sense of what’s happening. “Where are they?”

He spreads his arms wide—regular sized limbs for a 6’4” man with a perfectly athletic build.

“But I can’t see any tentacles.” I shake my head. What am I doing, standing there, waiting for him to pounce, when I need to run?

I turn on my heel, and sprint toward the door, only for a thick tentacle to wrap around my waist like a whip. “Ouch!”

His dark chuckle makes every hair on the back of my neck stand on end. “I was waiting for you to attempt an escape,” he says, his voice low enough to make my skin tingle. “The hunt is never fun if the prey doesn’t struggle.”

“Hunt?” I whisper, my heart pounding hard enough to disturb the neighbors. “Prey? Are you going to eat me?”

He shakes me from side to side, like I’m some sort of toy. “Naughty little mate. Would you like me to eat you?” The way he asks that question, I’m a hundred percent certain he’s not talking about food.

My breath quickens, and heat pools between my thighs. “That depends.”

“Tell me something, Little mate,” he says.


“How would you like me to fuck you all night?”

My throat tightens, and my gaze travels down his athletic form and settles on his raging erection. Men as sexy as this never usually show interest in me. I’d be an idiot to say no.

He grins, seeming to enjoy the struggle on my features.

“Well?” he purrs.

“I would,” I say.

His brows rise. “Then you only need to ask.”
