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Jessika gives me a pat on the shoulder. “I heard what Mr. Roberts said. If you want me to clean up while you work the machines, Ryan and I don’t mind.”

“It’s alright,” I reply with a tiny smile. “He’s probably watching all this from his cameras. The last thing I want him to see is me letting you take my punishment.”

“Suit yourself.”

“But we’ll talk later?” I ask with a bit of bite.

Jessika gives me a slow nod with a nervous glance that tells me she knows the topic of our future conversation.

I returned to the cupboard for the mop and bucket, as well as a few cleaning cloths for the tables. On my way back, I notice a blank patch on the walls, looking like someone has purchased one of my paintings.

My heart skips a beat. Perhaps that was what Mr. Roberts had wanted to discuss? I’m about to return to the shop floor when I spot a figure standing by the door.

He’s tall and blond and angelic and fully clothed… Mostly.

Do gray sweatpants count? Whoever he stole them from is smaller, so the jersey fabric stretches obscenely over his long, thick cock.

I stand in the doorway, mesmerized by the sight until one of the female regulars sashays over to him and tries to make conversation.

She’s a cool blonde who wears red lipstick and form-fitting suits. When she tilts her head and bats her lashes, my mate acts like I’m the only person in the room.

His broad chest rises and falls with deep breaths. Is he angry? I glance to my left and right for signs of a man or anything else that would have annoyed him, but all the males in the coffee shop are either busy doing their work or enjoying their breakfast.

The regular who had tried to chat with him gives up and slopes back to her seat. Warm satisfaction fills my chest, and I walk past the counter and over to my mate. That woman has always been so snooty and never says thank you. It’s petty, but I want her to see him respond to me.

His brows rise. “This is your work?

“Hello,” I whisper. “What are you doing here? I thought you would keep to the shadows.”

“I thought you made art,” he says.

“What makes you think that?”

He looks me dead in the eye, as though the answer is obvious. “I absorbed your tears.”


That was unexpected. Taking his hand, I lead him to the only empty table, which happens to be next to that woman.

“Sit down, and I’ll get you something to drink.” Then I lean into him and ask, “Do you eat and drink human food?”

“No.” His gaze hardens and he focuses on a point over my shoulder.

“What’s wrong?” I glance toward the counter to find Mr. Roberts standing at the doorway leading to the back rooms.

He beckons me over, looking like he wants to fire me on the spot.


Things aren’t looking good.


I cast my mate a backward glance, but he rises off his seat, looking like he wants to follow. I shake my head, but he continues walking toward me.

“Alexis?” Mr. Roberts snaps, sounding impatient.

