Page 172 of Wicked Lessons

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“You have no choice.”

Odin doesn’t need to raise his voice like Dad. He's the complete opposite. While Dad is a live wire, spitting out sparks, Odin is still water. A deep, dangerous stream that’s so clear you can see its bed, but the moment you step inside, the current will claim your life.

This isn’t a man anyone should cross, but I’m hoping he’s level headed enough to see reason.

“Veer.” I kick his foot. “What happened to the guy who wanted to become a musician? Do you know what your uncle is saying?”

He bows his head, concealing his features under a shield of blond hair.

“Veer,” I whisper.

“My nephew is contemplating how his foolish behavior could have gotten you both killed today,” Odin says. “He now understands the importance of obeying his elders.”

Another difference between Odin and Dad is that in his own twisted way, I think Odin cares for his nephew. Which means he probably won’t pull out a gun if Veer grows a set of balls.

“What about your career in music?” I say to Veer.

His shoulders rise up around his ears.

My gaze flicks toward Odin, who leans back on his seat like he’s a malevolent god waiting to smite.

Fuck the Bestlassons.

If they won’t listen to my refusals, then I’ll run.

The silence filling the back of the van is so heavy that it presses down on my shoulders and pushes against my neck. It’s a weight on my chest that makes me lean back in my seat for relief. Several minutes pass, maybe even an hour.

My thoughts drift to Professor Segul. The only way he could have tracked us through all those winding turns was if he was in communication with the driver. But why did he suddenly change his mind?

A phone rings. Odin reaches into his breast pocket and pulls out a handset.

“Thor,” he says.

“We’re at the abductors’ rendezvous point, and we’ve found the professor’s mother,” his voice is tinny but still audible.

I lean forward, my eyes widening, but Odin’s gaze snaps to mine, making me cringe back.

“And I expect there’s no sign of Crius?” Odin says.

“He had the woman’s throat slit,” Thor replies. “She’s bleeding out on the rug.”

My jaw drops, but Odin doesn’t even blink.

“Can she divulge his current location?” he asks.

“That’s the thing.” Thor’s voice turns quiet. “The mother was in on the plan from the start. From what she says, it was her idea to manipulate the professor into taking hostages.”

All the air leaves my lungs, making me reel forward in my seat. I expect Odin’s features to harden, but they don’t even change. My gaze darts to Veer, who’s covering his ears with his hands.

“Make sure she doesn’t survive the night but be discreet,” Odin says.

Thor hesitates a moment. “What about the professor?”

“He is resourceful and intelligent. If he doesn’t wholeheartedly agree to assassinate his father, then you will put a bullet through his head.”

A bolt of anxiety strikes my insides. My mind goes blank as I wait for Thor’s reply.

“Sure thing, Father, but I get the feeling he wants Crius dead more than we do.”
