Page 11 of Bad Company

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“Need I remind you of the purple vibrator I got you for your birthday, or the pregnancy test I hid.” I chuckled. “If you miss me, you are more fucked up than I thought.”

She got quiet and then asked, “What time do you leave?”

“Flight is at nine Monday morning. Mom is taking me to the airport. If you want this room, go ahead, it’s yours,” I said looking around the room. Fucking pink carpet, I couldn’t believe I had spent an entire year living in a room with a pink carpet.

“Can I come?”

“Nope, I asked that it just be me and Mom, so whatever goodbyes you need to say, it will have to be done here.”

I grabbed a couple of things and threw them into my carry-on bag, leaving only my laptop on my desk. Suddenly I felt her arms wrap around my center, and her body press tightly against my back. The heat of her touching me went straight to my cock, and it jumped in response. There were no words exchanged between us and as quick as she had pulled her body into mine, she let me go, running from my room.

It was Thursday night, Joe and Mom had gone away again for the weekend but promised to be home late Saturday night or early Sunday morning to spend the day with me.

I had been at work for three hours and was busy pouring drinks for the people waiting in line when I saw Leah walk in with Jenna and two guys I didn’t recognize. At closer inspection these guys looked to be in their late twenties. What the hell were they doing? Leah had told Joe and Mom she would be home studying all weekend.

I watched as the girls slid into the booth first on opposite sides of the table and then the guys slid in beside them. As soon as the line at the bar got to a manageable level, I excused myself for a moment and moved toward their table. Jenna waved at me as I approached and put my hands on the edge of the table then leaned over toward Leah. “Can I speak to you for a moment, Leah,” I asked.

“No, you may not.” She rolled her eyes at me and then smiled at Jenna and the two guys.

I ignored the fact she wanted to be left alone. “I thought you were studying all weekend?”

“Plans change. Now, if you don’t mind, how about you get us two coolers and two beers?” She tore her eyes away from mine and went about her conversation as if I weren’t standing right there.

I stood watching them for a second and then went back behind the bar and got their drinks. I had one of the waitresses take the drinks over to them. As the night went on, I kept an eye on them both, but the later it got the busier it got, and the busier I got until finally I lost track of Leah in the sea of people. Jenna was still sitting at the booth with one guy, so I knew they were still there. When my shift ended, I grabbed my jacket from behind the bar and went over to the table she was at and sat down.

“Logan! Hi.” Jeanna beamed.

“Hey, Jenna, where did Leah go?”

“Oh, she is dancing with Tom. They’re right over there,” she said pointing to a group of dancers. I couldn’t see her at first but when the crowd finally parted, I caught a glimpse of her. I saw the way Tom was looking at her and I didn’t like it. He looked at her as if she was something to eat instead of a person and that bothered me more than I cared to admit.

“Mind if I sit here with you guys?”

“Nope, not at all,” Jenna said smiling.

I pulled my phone from my pocket and scrolled through Instagram, occasionally looking up to see where Leah was. She must have seen me watching her because she finally made her way over with her date to the table. “Hi, Logan.”

“You almost ready to go?” I asked. There was just something about this guy that made me uneasy and I decided I wasn’t leaving her here with him. Leah had a lot to drink tonight, and he seemed to be too sober.

“It’s okay, Logan, Tom will bring me home. Go ahead, you’re probably tired, plus I am not ready to leave yet.” Tom looked at me and then at Leah and smiled.

“Yeah, Logan, I got her,” he said grabbing her ass and pulling her into him.

This wasn’t a place to cause a scene, so I decided to just go. “All right then, see you at home.”

“Who was that guy? Your boyfriend?” I heard her date yell into her ear over the music. I turned to look at them.

“Just my annoying stepbrother, he thinks he’s the boss of me. I hate him.” She answered as she looked me right in the eyes.

Her words stabbed at my chest, sure we didn’t get along, but hate was an awfully strong word, so I took that as my cue and walked out the front door. As I walked to my car, I realized just how much that comment stung. I unlocked my car and climbed in and was just about to start the engine when I decided to wait until I saw her come out of the bar. I would follow her home, just to make sure she got there okay. I didn’t trust that Tom guy.

Two hours went by and finally I saw Jenna and the guy she was with leave the bar, Leah and her date trailing behind. Leah was drunk now, staggering across the parking lot, hanging off him, laughing as she walked. They made it over to what must have been his car where he leaned her against the hood and kissed her. Jenna was already in another car and they left the parking lot. I continued to watch figuring they would leave soon but instead of getting into the car, Tom continued to hold Leah up against the car and they were into a deep make-out session. I watched as he kept grabbing at her, running his hands over her, while she seemed to get agitated, trying to push at his chest to get him away. Suddenly his hand was buried down the front of her pants as she hit at him. I felt my pulse race as he grabbed her hands and held them behind her back as he continued his assault on her.

As anger boiled inside of me, I jumped out of my car and marched across the parking lot. I grabbed him and pulled him off her before punching him right in the mouth, knocking him back. I watched as he fell to the ground then grabbed Leah and pulled her across the parking lot. I put her in my car, got in and drove away. I was glad I had stayed, if I hadn’t who knows what would have happened.

The drive home was quiet, she kept her gaze out the window. She had wrapped herself up in my coat, and occasionally, she let out a sob. I pulled the car into the driveway and before I could say anything she jumped out of the car and ran to the door fumbling with her keys and made her way inside. I tapped my thumb on the steering wheel, debating if I should call Joe and Mom, instead of dealing with this on my own. Deciding I wouldn’t say anything to anyone, I walked to the front door and once inside I locked it behind me.

I toed my shoes off and went into the kitchen. Like always, I was hungry, so I scrounged around in the fridge and grabbed a mishmash of food to snack on. I picked up my plate and turned to sit at the table when I saw Leah standing inside the kitchen door. She had changed into shorts and t-shirt and had washed all the makeup off her face. She looked better now. “You all right?” I asked.
