Page 28 of Bad Company

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“Morning, Leah. How are you this morning?”

“I’m all right, sorry I was late, I had a latte incident on my way in.”

“Oh dear, that doesn’t sound very good.” She laughed.

“No, it wasn’t but I promise you I will make up the hours tonight.”

“Don’t worry about it, we work enough overtime here so there is no need to worry about such little things. Listen, Friday afternoon I had a preliminary meeting with a gentleman here in Boston. He works for one of the architectural firms here in Boston that we collaborate with. He has a brand-new house and after discussing what he thinks he wants done, I feel that you would be best suited for the job. He actually requested you, but I wanted to make sure that you would indeed be the best fit.”

I frowned; I had only been working here for three months. I wasn’t even out of my probationary period yet, I still had another fifteen days. They had assigned me one project, and it had taken me almost the whole time I’d been here to complete the work. It was impossible that anyone would know of me.

“He was referred to us by Dream Home Magazine and he specifically asked for the girl who did the re-design at the Boston Harbor Hotel. I told you that you did amazing work on that job. Anyway, his home is being featured in the magazine soon. This will be a big step for you.”

“All right, great! Do you have his contact information?”

“Give me a few minutes to get back to my office, I will send you all of the information I gathered via email.” I smiled, perhaps the day wouldn’t be so bad after all.

Mary took off toward her office and I ran to the kitchen to grab another coffee before my next appointment came in. I was starting work on another large project. I had just sat down in my chair and was checking my email when Mary’s message popped into my in-box. I had a funny feeling in my stomach as I opened the email and as soon as I saw the client’s name I knew why.

I felt ill. Did he know it was me? I had specifically told everyone not to give him my number or tell him where I was. I was still staring at the name on the screen when my cell phone rang.

I grabbed the phone and answered the incoming call. “Hey, Leah, how are you doing, love.” Anna’s voice rang over the phone.

“Fine.” It was the only answer I could muster as I sat staring back at the screen, Logan’s name was the only thing I could see.

“You don’t sound fine.”

“Just having a bad day is all.”

“I see. Do you have a minute? I wanted to talk to you about Christmas.”

“Anna, it’s only May.” I frowned.

“It’s your father, he wants to know if you are still planning on coming home.”

“Anna, I don’t know at this point. I’ll have to see. Do you know if Logan is coming home?” Her answer to that question would dictate how I would respond. If he was going, I would spend Christmas alone in my condo with a tub of ice-cream and a bag of M&M’s.

“I’m not sure yet, I didn’t have a chance to ask him last week when I spoke to him.”

Interesting, he called home last week, and now I was sitting staring at his name in little black letters on my screen. “Tell Dad that I will let you guys know closer to December.” I got quiet for a moment then asked, “Anna, did you tell Logan where I am?”

“Heavens no. He asked about you though, asked where you were, but you requested that we keep it secret. I’m not sure why you wouldn’t want Logan to know, quite honestly. I mean you live in the same city. I figured it may be nice for you to have someone to hang out with until you get to know people but if it’s what you want . . .”

“It is . . . what I want,” I said a little to quickly into the phone. I had no choice but to believe her, she had always done as I asked. While I continued to listen to her drone on, I quickly sent a reply to the secretary at the front desk and asked her to call Logan and book him in with another agent. I should have talked about it with Mary first, but I used the excuse that my calendar was too full to take on anymore clients. It wasn’t and hopefully she didn’t look and just did as I asked.

“Anna, your father would like you to promise to come home this year. He misses you.”

“Can I let you know? I have a client waiting in the lobby for me. I have to go.”

“Of course, dear. Chin up and try to have a good day.”

I hung up my phone, shut my office door and pulled my privacy blinds down. I normally worked that way, less distraction, so it wouldn’t give away anything. I sat back down at my desk, put my face in my hands and soon the tears poured down my cheeks.

I had done my best to forget about Logan, but lately he was all I could think about again. Now this. I wiped my cheeks and looked up at my screen. Mandy, the girl from the front desk, had responded. I clicked the email open and prayed as I read the words she had sent back.

“Unfortunately, Mary has already told me the appointment must stay with you. If there is a problem, you will need to speak directly with her. I already looked at your calendar and I penciled him in at the end of the month. Also, your one o’clock is here in the lobby.”

I reread her email, suddenly feeling ill and I couldn’t wait for this day to be over with. I composed myself as best I could, pulled open my consultation notepad and placed it on my desk. I smoothed my skirt, put on my best smile and walked out into the lobby to greet my next client.
