Page 8 of Love Me Sweet

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I see her eyes widen in fear, and all the blood drains from her face. I close the notebook rapidly, placing it down into her luggage.

"I'm sorry, I didn't want to..." I start, but I’m unable to finish because she rushes at me. Her eyes are now filled with rage, and her cheeks are burning.

"Yeah, it just flipped from my luggage straight into your hands and opened itself!" she yells, closing her bag rapidly.

"Let me help you," I say, but she pushes my hand away.

"No, thank you! You’ve already done too much," she hisses at me, barely holding her heavy luggage. "Now you can tell the whole school all of my secrets!"

"I wouldn't do that..."

She's gone before I can finish the sentence, loudly slamming the door behind her.

Fuck, I screwed up again. Before a real conversation even started. And now I'm an even bigger jerk in her eyes than I was this morning.

Chapter Six


The door to my room can't be locked. I hate it when the bedrooms are like that and anyone can enter any minute. Well, not exactly anyone—Josh Underwood precisely.

I hate him. I literally hate him with all of my heart! How could I think for a moment that he might have changed? He obviously stayed the same jerk as he was when he was still bullying me!

I take a shower and change into my checkered pajama set, ready to go to bed. It's only half-past six, but I won't go downstairs today, so I decide to go straight to bed and read.

I won't leave this room until our parents get here. Or until Damian arrives, whoever comes first. I can't be in the same room as Josh; he makes me crazy. He makes me want to punch him and then strangle him.

The storm outside is gathering steam. I've checked the forecast, and they say it's gonna be six points on the Beaufort scale, which means it's not enough to have to evacuate, but you shouldn’t go outside.

The window frames shake loudly from the wind, and the trees outside are bending almost to the ground. It's twilight now, but the sky is so cloudy it looks like midnight. I hate when I stay at home alone in this kind of weather. Usually, my roommate and best friend Serena is with me every day except for holidays, but LA rarely gets storms or even rain.

I hear knocking on the door and turn to take a look.

Did I imagine that?

But then the knocking is repeated, louder this time.

I’ll ignore him, no matter how many times he knocks.

"It's me," he says softly through the door, and my heart skips a beat from that voice.

Josh Underwood can be charming when he wants to be. But I know for sure that he's not an angel, not even close.

When I don't answer, he knocks three more times.

"I made dinner," he says.

As if he can cook. He probably ordered pizza.

"Get out! I'm not hungry!" I yell finally because I'm tired of his assertiveness.

My stomach growls discontentedly, reminding me that I haven't eaten since breakfast. I wasn't hungry on the plane because I fell asleep, and after we arrived, I had other important stuff to do, like fight for my luggage.

But I won't have dinner with Josh under any circumstance. I can't look into his happy face with that sly smile he has when he wants something. I won't give him the satisfaction. I have half a bottle of water I took from the plane, so I'll be okay. I’ve heard intermittent fasting is very popular now.

"If you won't come down, I'll call your mother and tell her that you stopped eating again." He speaks again after a long pause, still talking through the door, even though he must know that he could just open it and come in if he wanted.

I clench the sheets in anger. How dare he threaten me? And he knows perfectly where to push to make me do anything.
