Page 25 of Keeping Winter

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“What I wouldn’t give to have a coffee ice cream,” I sigh longingly as we leave the shop a few minutes later.

Gabriel chuckles sympathetically. “Would you like to taste mine?” he offers.

My eyes grow round. “Would I!” I practically snatch his ice cream cone from his hands as he offers it to me.

Scooping a generous portion of the flavor onto my tongue, I close my eyes as I savor the taste. “Mmm. I think coffee is the thing I miss most with this pregnancy,” I say.

“Your resilience against temptations really impresses me,” Gabe says encouragingly.

Reluctantly, I hand back his ice cream cone, and he accepts it before wrapping an arm around my waist and pulling me against him. Before I have time to react, he leans in for a kiss, and I melt against his chest.

“What was that for?” I ask when he finally releases me.

“For being such a good mother and making me love you more every day,” he says as if it's obvious.

I feel the warmth of a blush creeping into my cheeks. “I never knew you could be so romantic.”

Gabriel chuckles darkly. “I had it buried pretty deep.”

Hooking my arm around his elbow, we stroll casually down the sidewalk as we enjoy our sweet treat. Sometimes it still amazes me how normal our lives feel now. Even though everything has changed, somehow, Gabriel and I have found an equilibrium that I simply love. We’ve been in Whitfield for nearly a month now, but it almost feels like this is where we’ve always been. Now that the clubhouse is complete and the club’s numbers are up, thanks to Philip’s friends from the neighboring town of Ashford Grove, I can tell that a weight has lifted from Gabriel’s shoulders. He actually did it. He started his own chapter of the Devil’s Sons, and from what he’s told me, things are running smoothly.

On the other hand, I have completely settled into my simple sales job at Honey Bee’s. Our house now feels like home, though we’re still missing some furniture, and I’m even learning to cook in a way I never thought I would. I’ve even started to set up the nursery. We’ve painted the walls a cheery yellow and have a rocking chair and crib along with a dresser. It’s funny, but the baby’s room is more complete than our own room, which is still missing a place to put the rest of our clothes that won’t fit in our tiny closet. At least we have a bed and some bedside lamps for our cute little mismatched nightstands Mallory lent me.

But those things will come soon. Now that the club is up and running and I’ve been working full-time for Mallory, our bank account is looking much less terrifying. I just haven’t had time to shop for everything yet. And while Gabriel is more than happy to help me move the furniture, it’s clear he would prefer I choose the decorating.

“Are you excited for this weekend?” Gabe asks as we wander past one of the little greeting card shops.

“Yes!” I gush. “It’s been ages since I’ve seen Starla. I’ve missed her so much.” We’ve spoken plenty over the past month to ensure we don’t lose touch. Still, it hasn’t been the same as spending all those days with her, baking and laughing, and performing charitable deeds.

In truth, I’ve missed my friend a lot. While I love my life here in Whitfield with Gabe, I have yet to really form a connection with someone like I did with Starla. Mallory is wonderful, but it’s a little tricky considering her a close friend when she’s also my employer. Starla, on the other hand, was so easy to befriend; it occurred before I even realized that’s what was happening.

“I wish we had an actual bed for her to sleep on, though.” I worry my lip as I think about her having to sleep on the air mattress for days in a row. She’s coming for a week-long visit, and I know from experience that the air mattress isn’t the comfiest.

“Well, why don’t we pick up another bed today? We have a little bit saved up, so we can probably afford it.”

I don’t know that I would go so far as to say we can afford it. Yes, we have a bit saved up, but we also have a baby on the way. On the other hand, it would make me feel a lot better to know Starla is sleeping comfortably.

“Okay,” I agree after a moment’s hesitation. Then I smile, glad that at least I can make my friend comfortable. I feel like that will make it more likely for her to come visit us again soon.

Gabe and I turn at the far end of the main street and make our way back up the other side as we finish our ice cream. Then we clamber into Ruby once more and head toward the furniture store. It doesn’t take us long to decide which mattress to buy this time. After having recently purchased the one for our room, it’s pretty simple to choose one of the same kind, and we go for the double bed with a simple frame.

Fortunately, they’ll be able to deliver it before the weekend. With that errand accomplished, we head home for an easy night of cooking dinner and relaxing on the couch.

“Have you thought about when you want to get married?” Gabriel asks as his strong, coarse hands knead my swollen feet.

We haven’t talked about wedding plans hardly at all over the last few months because of everything going on. It feels like between finding a house, moving, starting our new jobs, and preparing for the baby, I haven’t had an ounce of energy to think about anything else, but now that he mentions it, I would kind of like to be married before I have the baby.

“Well, I don’t think we need to do anything too fancy, maybe a simple ceremony and a big party at the clubhouse after?” I suggest.

Gabriel nods, a smile tugging at the corners of his lips. “You don’t want a big flashy affair?”

I giggle. “I think that went out the window the moment I agreed to marry you when neither of us have money.”

“Fair point.”

“I bet I can put something decent together in the next few months.”

“That sounds great to me. But you’re sure that won’t be too stressful?” His eyes shift down to my little baby bump before jumping back up to meet my gaze.
