Page 28 of Keeping Winter

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“So, when are you going to move to Whitfield?” I ask playfully.

Starla’s thoughtful silence surprises me, and I do my best to quell the hope bubbling up inside me. She might entertain the notion of moving closer to me, but I doubt she would ever leave her father. She and Mark are too close. She wouldn’t want to abandon him just to be near me.

“Wouldn’t that be fun, though?” she asks, echoing my thoughts.

“You have no idea how much I would love that.”

When our turn arrives, Starla and I step up to the counter to order our sandwiches. Then we head to a table to wait for their delivery. Conversation flows easily between us as we talk about ideas for the wedding, Starla’s newest community service event, and what we want to do over the week she’s visiting me.

After we finish our meal, I take her next door to Honey Bee’s, where Kimmi’s petite frame stands behind the register, checking out the small line of customers. Mallory flitters around the shop like a hummingbird, helping one customer find the right size before moving on to the next.

“This place is so much fun!” Starla says, looking around with wide eyes.

“Take a look around. I’m sure you can find something you’ll want to buy.”

“I have no doubt about that,” Starla agrees as she directs her attention to the first rack of clothes, and we start to peruse.

After several minutes, Mallory approaches us, a smile on her face as she eyes the handful of clothes Starla’s already picked out to try on.

“Hi, ladies,” she greets cheerily, her nose ring twinkling in the light pouring through the front windows.

“Hey, Mal,” I say. “This is my friend Starla I told you about.”

“Yes, I believe we spoke on the phone once before,” Mallory says, extending her hand to shake Starla’s. “It’s a pleasure. Thank you for the good recommendation. Winter’s been a lifesaver these last few weeks. I don’t know what I would have done without her.”

Starla beams. “Yeah, that’s what I thought when I met her too. You’re just lucky she’s too far away for me to steal; otherwise, I’d be occupying far more of her time.”

Mallory chuckles. “You’ve already done that. Taking her away from me for an entire week.”

“If you really need me, I can come in,” I insist, worried that Mallory might be hinting that I shouldn’t have taken time off.

“I’m only joking, Winter. Enjoy your week off. The store will survive your vacation. I assure you.” Mallory nudges my shoulder lightly.

“Thanks, Mal.” I smile gratefully.

“Let me know when you need a dressing room,” she says, gesturing to the clothes in Starla’s hands before she turns to help another customer.

“Okay, she’s great,” Starla says as soon as Mallory’s out of earshot.

“Yeah, maybe when you move here, she can give you a job too.” I give her a playful wink, and Starla laughs.


Over an hour later, Starla and I stand in line for her to buy the items she tried on and likes, and without question, Kimmi rings her up using my employee discount.

“You don’t need to do that!” Starla insists, glancing toward Mallory nervously, as if concerned Kimmi might get in trouble.

“Hey, you’re a friend of Winter’s, and at Honey Bee’s, friends are family.” Kimmi smiles broadly, her freckles standing out against her pale face. She’s one of those cute high school girls with contagious happy energy.

“Well, thank you,” Starla says, handing over her credit card.

When we step out onto the sidewalk once more and turn to head back toward my car, the sun is shining down, warming the chilly air. Now in our first few weeks of spring, I’m starting to see the first signs of green life sprouting up along the sidewalk. I can’t wait to see Whitfield when all the flowers are in bloom.

“Okay, it’s official. I love this town,” Starla says as we make our way down the busy street. “The people here are all so nice!” she adds, flashing a smile at a complete stranger.

“You’d fit right in,” I hint.

“You’re incorrigible,” she says with exasperation, making me laugh.
