Page 56 of Keeping Winter

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Mark stands just behind him, prepared to officiate. For once, he looks emotional, the tip of his nose pink and his eyes slightly watering. Before I know what’s happening, I’m standing in front of Gabe, trying to read the words I had written despite the way my hands shake.

“Gabe, you came into my life at my darkest hour. Like a guardian angel, you saved me when I needed you the most. And since that day, you’ve continued to save me, showing me what life is really about. I know I fought you tooth and nail on some things—”

Gabriel and the audience gathered release a low chuckle, Gabe’s face so raw and vulnerable it makes my heart ache.

“But you stuck by my side through it all. So today, I vow to do the same for you, now and always.” I take a deep breath as I finish my vows, and I can see tears shimmering in Gabriel’s eyes.

He clears his throat and sniffs as he pulls himself together and squeezes my hand. “Winter, you changed my world from the moment you burst into it like a brilliant sun. I was drawn to you like a planet, unable to break free of the hold you have on me. Since then, you have brought warmth and light to my life that I had never known. You’ve challenged me to grow and learn to love. I might not be perfect, but today, I vow to try my damndest every day for you.”

A single tear streaks down my cheek, and I mouth the words “I love you” as he brushes it away with the pad of his thumb.

“I love you too,” he murmurs.

Mark takes over once more, speaking of the meaning of marriage and the journey it entails. Then he has us repeat after him as he walks us through the ceremony and exchanging rings. A thrill of excitement ripples through me when Gabriel says, “I do.”

And then Mark is pronouncing us man and wife. “You may now kiss the bride.”

Gabriel’s strong arms wrap around me, and he dips me backward as he plants a firm kiss on my lips. I respond eagerly, clasping his face between my hands as I cherish this moment. Our first as a married couple. Tears of happiness streak down my cheeks.

After a long moment, Gabriel rights me and takes my hand. We lead the way back down the aisle, and I hear Mark instruct people to take their chairs with them if they want a place to sit. I’m so giddy, I can’t help but giggle, and Gabriel squeezes my hand as he flashes me a brilliant grin. I don’t know that I’ve ever seen him smile this much, and it fills me with joy to know that marrying me could make him this happy.

Debbie insists that Gabe and I go first when making our plates, and we settle down at our sweetheart table, a generous plate of tacos before each of us. But I’m so wound up that I can barely eat a bite.

“We’re married,” I whisper to Gabriel, leaning closer to him.

“How does it feel, Mrs. Martinez?” he asks playfully, pressing a flavorful kiss to my lips.

“Like the best day of my life,” I confess, my cheeks warming at the way his eyes burn into my soul.

It’s nearing sundown by the time we cut the cake, a yellow cake with white frosting and beautiful flowers that flow down the three tiers in a waterfall, much like my veil. Starla insisted on making it for me and slaved over it late into the night. I can hardly stand to cut into it, it’s so beautiful. And delicious.

Gabriel decided to skip the wedding party speeches, not big on making it a production. Still, after everyone has had their fill of dessert, Gabe rises and gets everyone’s attention so he can thank everyone for coming.

“It means the world to us that you all would be here today, supporting Winter and me on our first step as a married couple. You are the family we chose, and we love each and every one of you.”

A cheer fills the room as Gabriel settles back into his seat, and I reward him with a kiss.

“You ready for your big send-off?” Starla asks as we rise from our table.

She’s in charge of moving the dinner reception into a proper dance party, but Gabe and I both agreed we wanted to spend the evening enjoying each other’s company. We’ll let the others party for us. Outside, the sky is a riot of pinks and oranges as the sun dips behind the horizon, and somehow this feels like the perfect time.

“All right, everyone, line up! It’s time for the bride and groom to go make this marriage…official!” Starla shouts.

“I think they already did that!” someone shouts in the crowd, making me laugh, even as I blush profusely.

“Yeah, more than a couple times,” Gabriel murmurs from the corner of his mouth so only I can hear.

Our guests form a line right around the clubhouse to where Ruby waits for us to take her home. And as we start to walk down the procession, our friends and family shower us with flower petals of every color and variety. It’s beautiful and completely unexpected.

Tears fill my eyes as a knot forms in my throat.

“Surprise,” Gabriel says, leaning close to my ear before he presses a kiss to my temple.

“I love you so much,” I breathe as I start to cry.

The shower of petals lasts all the way around the building, and I’m starting to wonder just how much this surprise must have cost as I finally see Ruby come into view. Just Married is painted across the back window, and I can see the classic gaudy tin cans tied to her bumper and start to laugh.

I don’t think this moment could get any more precious, and then a flash of movement catches my eye. A woman darts through the line of guests so quickly that no one has time to register her presence before she’s upon me. I catch the glint of cold steel moments before searing pain explodes in my abdomen, and I release a bloodcurdling scream as pain and fear consume me. I know I’ve been gravely injured, but my fear is only for the baby girl inside me.Did she hit her? Did she kill my baby girl?
