Page 58 of Keeping Winter

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“Four men and Tiffany?” I confirm, and Mac’s brother nods emphatically as he clings to his knee, breathing heavily.

“Are there any others in your little revenge party? Anyone who isn’t here today?” I press.

Wyatt shakes his head. “You already killed the other two.”

“Let’s get these assholes to the shed,” I tell Dallas as a few more of our men approach. “I want them bound and gagged with an armed guard watching them twenty-four, seven until I decide what to do with them.”

Dallas nods to Philip, who steps up and helps Dallas flip Wyatt over and bind his hands. When they haul him to his feet, Wyatt howls, his body crumpling.

“Don’t stand on it, you fucking idiot,” Dallas says, cuffing Wyatt on the back of the head.

They half drag, half support their prisoner as he hops toward the treeline with them once more, unable to resist as they have him in a vise grip.

Only after it’s clear that the violence is over, that every man who attacked us is tightly bound and in the custody of at least three Devil’s Sons each, do I feel the twinging pain of my shoulder, and I hiss as I grab it. My shirt and jacket are fairly well coated with blood, most of it my own, and I know I’ll need to have someone look at it. But I refuse to head to the hospital until I’m sure everything is in order here. I won’t let one of these fuckers get away to try harming my wife again.

Fear makes my chest pound as I think of Winter, and I wonder if she will be okay. She better be. I don’t know that I could survive without her.

In the shed, I assess the group of men more thoroughly, eyeing each of them as I fully realize the extent of their betrayal. Wyatt was a Devil’s Son, just like Mac. As were Luke, Jared’s cousin, and Mateo, Mac’s best friend.

My boys haul in the dead guy as well, and that’s Jared’s kid brother. My heart tightens a little as I realize for the first time that one of their members was not yet eighteen. I recognize the boy from Christmas parties, though at age fourteen or fifteen, he wasn’t old enough to join the Devil’s Sons like Jared. It’s clear from the group gathered that this is about executing the men who raped Athena Saint. Revenge for killing our brothers, even though it was an order we couldn’t refuse.

“Bury him,” I command as I look down at the boy. “Somewhere the police won’t find him.”

Wade and Connor nod before hauling his body back out the door.

“Why?” I demand of Wyatt. “You knew we couldn’t refuse the order. They would have destroyed the Devil’s Sons if we didn’t execute them.”

Wyatt sneers. “So much for brotherhood. ‘We have your back unless it means we might die.’ You all deserve to burn in hell for what you did.”

“We executed those men because they took on a job Mark didn’t necessarily okay, and it led to all our lives being put in jeopardy,” I growl.

“And yet when you disobey Mark’s orders, no one bats an eye. You just get to fuck the enemy, and no one cares.”

I punch Wyatt so hard I can feel his nose give beneath my knuckles, and blood spurts onto the floor. “That’s my wife you’re talking about,” I growl. “And she wasn’t the enemy. We worked for her father.”

Wyatt scoffs, blood bubbles bursting around his nose. “She’s one of the richy riches. She’s not one of us.”

“She’s more a part of the Devil’s Sons than you are, traitor,” I hiss, grabbing his throat and squeezing until his eyes bulge.

When I release him again, he coughs and sputters.

“Who were the men we killed at the clubhouse when you attacked us?” I demand. “We didn’t recognize them.”

“Tiffany’s brother and cousin from out of town. They agreed to help us get revenge.”

I nod. “Why did you target Winter and me? I wasn’t the only one who killed those men.”

“You’re the one who killed Mac,” Wyatt growled. “He trusted you, considered you a friend.”

I shake my head. “He would have done the same thing to me if the tables had been turned.”

Those are all the answers I need. Now that I’m confident of who all came after us and why, I need to focus on my wife and ensuring she survives.

“Dally, gag him and put some men on guard. I’m going to the hospital.”

“You don’t want to deal with them now?” he asks, his eyebrows raising in surprise.

“No,” I growl. “First, I need to make sure that Winter survives this. If she makes it, I’ll show them mercy and execute them.”

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