Page 75 of Keeping Winter

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“Going for your coffee of the day?” Gabriel asks, startling me as he steps from the hall.

I yelp, caught off guard after listening so intently. I laugh it off as I step forward around the wall to the kitchen, pretending I hadn’t been listening. “You caught me,” I call brightly.

His eyes follow me curiously. I have no choice but to carry on and get my coffee now. The house is too small for Starla and Dallas not to have heard our exchange. By the time I round the corner, they’re already seemingly doing their own separate things. Starla leaning into the fridge as if looking for something as Dallas casually reclines against the counter, picking at lint on his shirt.

“What are you two up to?” I ask, trying to sound casual as I get to work brewing a pot of coffee.

“I was thinking it might be nice to put some snacks out. Don’t you think?” Starla suggests.

I catch her surreptitiously wiping a tear from her cheek as she continues to stare into the fridge.

“That’s a great idea. I have some fresh fruit in there,” I suggest.

Dallas snorts. “Something healthy? Rico and Knuckles would never go for it.”

“Oh, it’ll be good for them,” Starla says, siding with me as she pulls the cantaloupe, strawberries, and grapes from the fridge.

Dallas shrugs. “Suit yourself. Winter, can I have a cup of that coffee?”

“Of course.” We both wait in silence as the coffee brews, gurgling into the pot at its own leisurely pace.

Finally, I reach up and grab two mugs from the cabinets and set them on the counter. I add cream and sugar to mine, but Dally takes his black, something I learned during his time of recovery when he stayed at our house after the clubhouse attack.

As soon as his cup is poured, he gives us a salute with his mug, thanking me, then departs for the other room once more.

“Everything okay?” I ask casually, glancing over my shoulder as Starla chops fruit behind me. I finish stirring my cream and sugar and set my spoon in the sink.

“Of course,” she says, her tone falsely light.

I don’t know why she’s remained so tight-lipped about whatever is going on, but I won't press her if she’s not ready to speak about it.

“I’m going to miss you when you leave,” I say instead.

“I’m going to miss you too!” she insists, turning to face me, and I can see the sadness in her eyes. “But I’ll be back to visit plenty. Nothing is going to stop me from seeing that adorable baby.”

“Good.” I smile broadly at her before bringing my coffee to my lips. The heavenly flavor makes my mouth water before I even take the first sip. This is what I missed more than anything while I was pregnant, and I’m almost giddy each day as I relish my one cup of coffee.

We rejoin the boys a few minutes later, fruit platter in hand. As Starla sets it down on the coffee table, I can’t help but laugh at the looks of disgust Rico and Knuckles direct its way. As though the fruit has mortally offended them.

“You boys are children,” Starla scolds. “Now eat the snack I made.”

All too soon, Starla collects her things and gives everyone a hug goodbye as she readies to leave for Blackmoor. She saves Brigitte and me for last, and after hugging me warmly, she presses a gentle kiss to the crown of my baby’s head.

“Bye-bye, sweet girl,” she whispers and turns toward the door.

The guys are also saying their goodbyes, and before Starla can object, Dallas scoops up her luggage off the floor.

“Come on. I’ll help you to your car,” he offers.

She gives a tentative smile and nods. Everyone trudges out together, Rico and Knuckles hopping on their bikes as Dallas pops the trunk of Starla’s little blue Honda. I watch from the door, lingering out of curiosity.

Then Gabriel’s arms twine around my waist and his lips graze my temple. “Come on,” he suggests. “I think it’s time I put my women to bed.”

A shiver of anticipation runs down my spine. Curiosity forgotten, I turn and close the door before I follow him down the hall. We tuck Brigitte into her crib together, and once we’re sure she’s sleeping soundly, we slip from the room and close the door.

As soon as we’re in the hall, Gabriel turns to face me. His eyes are alight with the intensity of his need for me, and I feel my own desire roar to life as his hands press against the back of the door on either side of my face. His body pins me there, trapping me in place as he captures my lips in a searing kiss. I gasp into his mouth with the intensity of his assault, my body humming with anticipation.

“Fuck, I’ve wanted you so bad for so fucking long,” he growls, drawing back from my lips just long enough to peer into my eyes. “These have been thelongesttwo months of my life.”
