Page 124 of In Sheets of Rain

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“Unless you like gummy bears. Then I might forgive you.”

“Gummy bears are OK,” he said, “but I’m more a liquorice allsorts kinda guy. I especially like the green ones.”

I screwed up my nose, and he laughed.

“We could split a packet,” he said.

“That could work,” I agreed.

“You eat the yellow ones, and I’ll eat the green.”

“I also like the pink ones.”

“I could part with those, but I am partial to the orange ones,” he said.

“Hmm,” I murmured. “I could spare an orange or two.”

“Then it’s set.”

“Just one thing.”

“What’s that?” he asked.

“Would I have to wait until I’m with you to share my packet of liquorice allsorts?”

“You could save them. Pick out the orange and green ones for me and just eat the yellow and pink ones yourself.”

I tapped a finger against the side of my cheek. “I’m not sure that works for me,” I said.

“Why not? Are you a liquorice allsorts hoarder?”

And I thought briefly of Weet-Bix boxes.

“No,” I said. “That’s not the problem.”

“Then what is?” he asked, leaning against the wall and trying not to laugh.

“Well,” I said. “I much prefer the idea that we’re together when we split a packet of liquorice allsorts.”

“I’m up for that,” Michael said. “So, how often shall we do this?”

I stared up at him, and he stared down at me.

“We could make a schedule,” I suggested.

“Like, mark it on a calendar? Every Tuesday, we get together and share the allsorts. Wednesday we meet over the water cooler. Friday we spring for a coffee at Starbucks.”


“You don’t like Starbucks?”

“I love Starbucks.”

“So, what do you think?”

“About the calendar?”

“About having a coffee with me.”
