Page 10 of Sub-Divided

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“I’ll fetch a couple of plates. We deserve treats after all our hard work! She’s nice isn’t she?”

“Yes, I’m glad you like her. It will make it easier for you to open up when you need to talk to her about your relationship problems.”

Josie stayed silent but she was annoyed at her grandmother’s comment. Entering with a plate piled high with cakes, she offered the platter to Nicky. “I might not need to talk to anyone, Grandma; after all, I have no issues with Max.”

By evening they had everything unpacked and stowed away. The house looked cozy and Josie felt right at home. She just needed Max with her to complete that feeling of belonging; everything would be perfect once he arrived.

* * *

Next morningshe decided to go for a run. She hadn’t run in a while and knew she needed the exercise. Throwing some fruit and yogurt into the smoothie maker, she quickly downed a glass before leaving the house.

As she rounded a blind corner, she ran smack-bang into a girl of similar age. The woman went flying sideways and hit the ground.

“Oh my God, I am so sorry, are you okay?” Josie hunkered down beside the young woman who lay gasping with surprise.

“Yeah, I guess so. Help me up would you?”

“Sure, I really am sorry. Here, give me your hand. Oh my God, I just realized you’re the girl I bashed into at the store the other day and here I am knocking you over again!” Josie pulled the girl upright.

She brushed down her pants. “I’m fine, honestly,” she reassured Josie, giving a pleasant chuckle. “Hi, I’m Sandy, by the way.”

“I’m Josie, and new to Corbin’s Bend. I only moved in yesterday. Why don’t you come back home with me and I’ll make us a coffee? It’s the least I can do after knocking you over!”

“Okay, yes, I’d like that, thanks.”

Josie was amazed at how well she and Sandy got along. They had so much in common and it turned out that Sandy was a sub too. Her man was in the army. She explained that she loved her Dom, Sean, to distraction; in fact she couldn’t seem to stop talking about how big, handsome and sexy her man was. She even scoffed at the idea of any woman wanting to be a submissive twenty-four/seven, echoing Josie’s own feelings.

“I mean what kind of twenty-first century woman would want that? Yeah, by all means act the sub in the bedroom but what kind of dumb ninny agrees to being controlled by a man all day every day, huh?” Sandy expounded.

Josie tentatively agreed. Sandy was only expressing the same thoughts she’d entertained since her arrival. She didn’t want the same kind of relationship that her grandparents had. For goodness’ sake, she was a competent career woman, one fully capable of making decisions. She didn’t need a man to think for her!

They discovered they liked the same kind of music and agreed on almost every subject that came up in their non-stop conversation. Over a second coffee, Sandy told her about a great little boutique that catered for the erotic, down in Denver. They decided they would go into the city in the morning and take a look around. Sandy suggested they stop and have lunch together. It was agreed that she would collect Josie at ten the following day.

Josie was elated. Everything was falling into place, well, except for her job at the hospital—but Sandy told her that she worked at a hospital in Denver and assured her they would snap Josie right up. If she didn’t get the job in Corbin’s Bend, she felt confident enough to apply for a pediatric nurse position there. It would be fun to work in the same hospital as Sandy; they might even be able to car pool.

That evening she finally relaxed. The final kitchen pieces were unpacked. The entire house gleamed. There was nothing else to do, so Josie picked out a DVD and settled herself on the couch in front of the television.

Halfway through the movie she became restless, unable to concentrate because she knew Max would be arriving tomorrow. She switched off the film, deciding to take a shower, wax her legs and paint her nails.

By eleven o’clock she was pampered and groomed. She padded into the kitchen to put on the kettle for an instant hot chocolate. In the silence she heard a distinctive click. The front door was opening. She froze. Who the hell could be coming in with a key at this time of night? Grandma? Grandpa?

“Stay right where you are. No, don’t turn around,” a deep voice growled at her from the doorway.

Josie’s breath hitched. She stood stock still.

“Lose the top.”

She shivered, rooted to the spot.


Shuddering, she pulled her loose pajama fleece up over her head.

“The pants too.”

Josie sucked in a ragged breath. Mouth dry, she slowly did as the man commanded. Pulling her sweatpants slowly down, she stepped out of them and kicked them aside.

“Place your hands on the counter and lean forward.”
