Page 20 of Needing Daddy

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“Put your money away,” he said firmly. “Can’t a big brother take his little sister out for tea?” Who was he kidding; he didn’t feel remotely brotherly toward her. Still, it seemed to have been the right thing to have said because the corner of her mouth lifted into a compliant smile.

* * *

Jack stretched outan arm only to discover he was alone in the bed. He closed his eyes again and willed his erection to subside. It was Saturday, the day he always hoped to wake with Allie beside him, warm, soft, and pliable. He loved sleepy morning sex, a thing of the past when the children were very small but surely now they were older his wife could remain in bed a bit longer on the weekends.

They needed couple time. Auntie Penny had always been their go-to babysitter. Since her return from America and her oddly changed behaviour they’d hardly seen hide or hair of her. Resolving to phone her and ask her to take the children out Sunday afternoon, he threw back the covers and got up.

* * *

“Oh, good, you’re up. I want you to take Lucy to ballet in half an hour. I’ll drop Tom off at his friends and go on to get some food shopping. We’ll have a quick lunch here but I have a hair appointment at two, so you need to collect Tom at three and then I’ll take Lucy...”

“Enough, slow down, Sergeant Major, and take a breath,” he stopped her mid-flow. “I’m going to phone Penny and ask her to take the kids out tomorrow afternoon; we need some uninterrupted couple time together.”

“No. I’ll phone my sister. Did you not hear what I said? You have to be ready to leave in half an hour. Now where was I?” She tapped her lip with an unpolished nail.

He moved over to her and pulled her into his embrace. “Listen to me. I’ll take Lucy to ballet, the day will go like clockwork, but tomorrow we are prioritising us.”

She disentangled herself from him, pulled toast from the toaster, and continued to lay out the timetable for their day.

He took the toast from her and laid it on a plate. “Have the children eaten breakfast?” he asked.

“Yes, you must...”

He didn’t let her finish the sentence. “Children, go and wash and do your teeth.” Pleased to see his firm tone had both of them leaving the room obediently, he waited until he heard their feet scampering up the stairs. Turning, he spun his wife around. Putting a hand on her lower back, he bent her over the work surface.

“What the...” she cried.

He slapped her bottom several times. “I am the head of this household. You will talk to me with respect, and listen to what I have to say. Now are you going to argue with me if I let you up?”

“I-I guess I’ll listen,” she said sulkily.

“Good.” He stepped back, allowing her to rise. “Tomorrow afternoon is for us. I am going to phone Penny after I drop Lucy at her ballet class and ask her to have the children like she used to do on the weekends. I’ll invite her to stay to dinner. Tonight I’ll fetch in a take-away and we’ll watch a movie with the kids.”

“Okay. What did you have in mind for tomorrow because I want to go and look for shoes,” she said.

He shook his head. “Look for shoes today, after your hair appointment. I’ll ferry the kids about. You’ll find out soon enough what I have planned for tomorrow.” Dropping a quick kiss on her lips, he grabbed a slice of buttered toast and munched.

Allie nodded and flashed him a slightly uncertain smile before she left the room. He could hear her chivvying Lucy to hurry.

* * *

“Auntie Penny’s here!” Lucy cried, running to the front door. Jack was glad he had persuaded her to take the children out for the afternoon. She had been oddly reluctant but he’d gently persevered, impressing on her how much both kids missed the time they spent with her.

“Hey, you two!” she said as Lucy and Tom rushed to hug her.

“Hi, Pen, where are you taking them?” he asked.

“Penny, how are you?” Allie called, coming into the hallway. She shooed the children off to fetch their coats, and hugged her sister.

“Not so bad. And you?” Penny replied.

He could see the unease in his sister-in-law’s face and frowned. Why was she suddenly so tense around them?

“Everything all right?” he asked, concerned.

“Yes,” she replied shortly.

“Work problems?” he pressed.
