Page 53 of Needing Daddy

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“Thank you. I shall put that greedy tongue to good use later on.” He let go of her arm. “Now perhaps you’d like to see the Bloody Tower where the little princes were murdered?”


David studied her sulky expression. He’d been expecting her to test his role as her daddy, but perhaps not quite this early in their relationship. Then again, she’d been around him for about eight weeks now, so maybe it was about the right timescale for this kind of confrontation. He acknowledged he was no expert.

“Come on, let’s go see the creepyTower-er-a-ar-ar-rrr!” he growled humorously. Today was about a fun day out. There was more than enough time for a discussion about her sassy manners later.

She rolled her eyes, turned away from him, and stomped off.

He sighed, but watching her retreating back view, he couldn’t help but grin; how cute she looked wearing her little pink chequered dress over a white blouse and long white socks. Her little black patent leather shoes tapped furiously as she crossed the pebbled courtyard. Her pigtails swung to and fro, their speed matching her current mood.

Once they were inside the Bloody Tower Penny cheered up. He listened to her chatter on about the tragedy of twelve-year-old Edward and his younger brother.

“Did you know that they were the sons of Edward IV?” she asked as she studied the guidebook. “They disappeared from the Bloody Tower, but it was known then as the Garden Tower, back in 1483. Then, the bodies of two children were discovered in 1674 buried close to the White Tower. The bones were thought to be those of the two princes. Their remains were reburied in Westminster Abbey but they have never been formally identified as the two princes. Well, duh, they couldn’t be, could they?” She sounded scornful.

“I don’t know, they have such good DNA testing nowadays. I reckon they could find an ancestor and do some testing but perhaps the mystery is half the appeal and they don’t want to spoil that.”

She glanced at him; a nasty little sneer marred her pretty features and he tensed. She was getting so close to...

“What’s the time? I want to go and see the Crown Jewels,” she whined for the umpteenth time.

The dom cog, ingrained deep within his psyche, clicked ominously into place. He’d had enough.

Taking her by the hand, he tugged her along with him. David walked determinedly across the courtyard and, ignoring the curious glances cast their way from passers-by, he headed for the dungeons.

Chapter Nineteen

“Oh, wow, these dungeonsare the real thing. Ugh, will you look at that.” Penny pointed over at a rack that sported a rather realistic model of a man whose arms and legs were anchored to the contraption that was used to torture people and could stretch a person until they were torn in half. She shivered. When there was no reply from Daddy, she glanced up at him, wondering if he was even listening to her. He’d been at his most irritating since they’d first arrived at the Tower, and now it seemed he was ignoring her.

She stopped in her tracks and yanked her hand from his. He spun about in surprise.

“This is supposed to be my treat, why are you being so, soaggravating!” She stamped her foot, emphasising her point.

The dark look he cast her from under lowered brows caused a shiver of unease to trickle down her spine. That look, pure dom, stopped her in her tracks.

He grasped her wrist and once again she found herself towed behind him deeper into the darkness of the dungeon. Rounding a corner, he stepped left, yanking her behind a wall in a deeply recessed doorway. A solid-looking wooden door with wrought-iron studs blocked their way; a padlock secured the entrance from public curiosity. Daddy pulled her in front of him, her back against the ancient door. His large body effectively screened her from anyone peering into the gloom from seeing her.
