Page 56 of Needing Daddy

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Chapter Twenty

He was here. Pennydashed across the bedroom, shedding clothes as she ran. Scooting into a corner, she yanked her dress over her head and cast it aside. There was no time to remove her bra or pants.

“I see I need to add another ten stripes for disobedience.”

She bristled at the injustice. “You didn’t leave me enough time!”

“Next time you will strip first and then use the bathroom. I can forgive a call of nature, but not wilful disobedience.”

“That’s not fair!”

“Another ten.”

He fell silent. Guessing that he was awaiting further complaints to drop from her mouth, Penny kept her lips sealed, understanding that whatever argument she came up with, David would keep adding strokes to her tally.

“Bright girl,” he praised. “Turn around.”

Slowly she moved to face him.

He stood beside the bed, his shirtsleeves rolled up. Her palms turned clammy as she watched his hands move to his waist and his thick black belt. With smooth precision he unbuckled the leather. It snaked through the belt loops of his trousers. Her gaze travelled lower to where an obvious bulge pressed against his zipper. Her sex dampened.

“Remove your bra and panties and lean over the bed.” His gravelled tone brooked no dissent.

Doing as she was told, Penny cast aside her underwear. He pointed to the bed. Taking up position bent over the bed, she rested her head sideways against the duvet. Her buttocks clenched.

A hand caressed her smooth buttock cheeks; the action caused goosebumps to rise across her back.

“What is your safe word?”


“Good girl, use it if you have to, but obviously I’d prefer you to accept this punishment in its entirety, especially since we both know it’s well deserved.”

“Yes, Sir,” she agreed.

He patted her bottom.

She trembled.

“A warm-up round, I think.”

His hand clapped down hard on her backside.
