Page 61 of Needing Daddy

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Penny jerked away from her sister’s touch. “If you love me then leave, now!”

Allie nodded and left.

Her clothes felt almost dry, so she tugged on the all-in-one outfit. Pushing open the swing door of the restroom, she stopped in her tracks.

What on earth?

Jack stood by their table, and although she couldn’t hear what he was saying, she noted his strident tone of voice. Could things get much worse? She glanced quickly over at David and met his furious gaze.

Shit, shit, shit!

Her attention switched back to Jack. He took a threatening step toward Allie.

David rose to his feet and placed himself between husband and wife, confronting Jack. Penny watched their heated conversation. David half turned and pointed to her. Jack began to move in her direction. Swallowing the bile that threatened to spill into her mouth, Penny waited apprehensively for his approach.

“I have one question, and I want a completely honest answer. Has my wife slept with that man?” He jabbed a finger in David’s direction.

“No. David is mine. At least he was until you and Allie turned up today. Now I don’t know...”

“So this is your mess, and not Allie’s?”

She bristled with fury. “There was no mess until you two barged in in an attempt to ruin my relationship!”

Jack ignored her outburst and swung away. He marched over to where Allie stood wringing her hands.

Penny watched as he took hold of his wife’s elbow. After speaking briefly with David, Jack guided Allie from the restaurant. As the pair went out of the door, Jack swatted Allie’s bottom. Penny’s eyes widened with surprise. She expected her sister to retaliate, but no, she kept walking, head down, appearing to accept her husband’s show of dominance.

Well, it seemed her liberated, bossy sister was submissive to her husband.

Movement attracted her eye. David was signalling for her to join him. Reluctantly, she crossed the room to face the music.

* * *

Once at home seatedat the table in his kitchen, he’d hoped there would be some extenuating circumstance that would allow him to forgive Penny so they could move on from this mess, but this nonsense? The girl was clearly deranged.

“To summarise, you’re saying that in another life you and I were married and we ran a business together making adult furniture for littles.”

“Yes. I know how it sounds, I do, but it’s true! We even had a Golden Retriever called Honey.”

David stood up abruptly, shoving his chair back.

She’d admitted there was no brother, that the whole scenario was fictitious. She’d invented Mike as a ruse to meet him and gain his trust. She’d fabricated the fact that they’d been mates at University and that he had known her when they were both living in Oxford. Jeez, he’d been stupid, an utter fool. So desperate to find that one elusive ‘little’ that he’d fallen into the trap of allowing himself to be hoodwinked by a manipulative lunatic. Nausea threatened to overwhelm him.

“Get your things and get out,” he ordered dismissively, interrupting more of her burbling nonsense. His rage was only just contained beneath the veneer of a civilized man because what he really wanted to do was grab Penny and shake her.

“No. David, please... I can prove it all to you. Please, please, please, just listen to me...”

“Get out of my house now!” He hadn’t meant to shout, but he was hanging onto his temper by a thread.

She suddenly launched herself at his feet and wrapped cloying arms around his legs, sobbing his name over and over.

Distastefully he unclasped each clinging wrist and yanked himself free. Swiftly putting distance between them, he crossed to the doorway.

“I’ll wait by the front door. You can take all the clothes and toys I bought you. I want nothing left to remind me of what a fool I’ve been. I’m calling you a taxi.”

The car arrived as she began to descend the stairs. A glance at her swollen tearstained face didn’t move him, quite the opposite. It enraged him. He couldn’t even look at her.

Finally she was gone. Slamming the front door behind her, he turned and slapped his palm forcefully against the wall. Hadn’t he known all along that something was amiss? His attraction to Penny had blinded him to his usual common sense. “Fuck, fuck, fuck,” he cursed between gritted teeth. He’d been duped like a greenhorn. Unable to admit how wounded he felt, David vented his rage verbally in curses instead. He’d ignored his own unease when she had first broached her unlikely story. To be fair he had known a lot of Mikes at University, but still, he hated that his desire for this girl had blinded him to common sense. David cursed his own stupidity, falling for a pretty face because he’d wanted Penny’s story to be true. He groaned. This was what he got for letting down his guard. From now on he’d stick to dating submissives from the club.
