Page 9 of Needing Daddy

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This wasn’t how it was meant to be. He was supposed to recognise her, throw open his arms and scold her, demanding to know where the hell she’d been. His image fragmented through the prism of tears that flooded her eyes.

“West,” she corrected, still hoping for his recognition.

“This way,” he said politely, gesturing to the open door of his office. She rose and preceded him into a large well-appointed room.

He waved her to a chair and sat opposite her with a coffee table between them. His large desk stood on the opposite side of the office.

“Don’t you remember me at all?” she burst out, unable to stop herself. Her repressed tears overflowed onto her cheeks.

He frowned. “Should I?” he asked, his brow wrinkled, perplexed.

Yes, it’s me!

“I-I suppose not after all this time. My brother went to University with you at Oxford... Mike?”

He frowned. “I knew several Michaels at Oxford. So what can I do for you, Miss West?” he asked, giving a remote, business-like smile.

She stared down at his black polished shoes, unable to cope with the stab of pain when she looked into his familiar gaze but saw not an inkling of recognition. Her heart sank. She’d been so sure her daddy would know her on sight.

“Miss West, forgive me, but you appear to be somewhat distraught.”

She knew that look of slight distaste on his face. It meant he had better things to do than involve himself in someone else’s drama. Her heart hardened. It was onto plan B.

“Yes, my brother Mike died recently. He has left me a lot of money. Michael always spoke highly of you, David. He advised me on his death bed to come to you after he, after he...” She paused for effect and dabbed her genuinely damp eyes.

“I am so very sorry for your loss. I do seem to recall a Mike who had a younger sister. Hmm, Mike, yes, of course, how could I have forgotten good old Mike? I am so sorry to hear that he passed. I am glad you felt able to come to me for financial advice. Look, I’ll ask Sharne to bring in some coffee and give you a moment or two to recover. There is a private bathroom over there, please feel free to freshen up. Coffee okay or perhaps you’d prefer tea?”

“Tea, please, Earl Grey if you have it?” she replied.

“We do... my favourite too.” He flashed a smile, and left the room.

She crossed to the door he’d indicated.I knew I should have been an actress!

When she returned he was seated behind a tea tray that had been placed in the middle of his desk.

“Shall I be mother?” he asked.

“Or daddy?” she asked, watching him closely.

His eyes widened and she noted a pink flush around the line of his collar, staining his neck. He gave a small embarrassed cough.

Ha, proof I know him well.

“When did all this happen?” he asked.

Her mind went blank.When did what happen?

“Had he been ill for long?”

Oh, yes, Mike, of course!

“Cancer, two months ago. We had a small funeral; his own request. You knew Mike, he was always so unassuming.” She loved the way David shifted, uncomfortable with his lie, obviously trying desperately to remember the fictitious friend she’d invented. “He always spoke so fondly of you, and, as you know, we were orphaned young. Mike was brother, mother, and father to me, his little sister.” Her voice cracked with emotion. David hastily passed her a cup of tea.

“Dreadful for you,” he murmured.

“Yes. So here I am, ready to be cared for.” She met his shocked gaze with round innocent eyes and focused on not blinking.

“I’m sorry, I don’t quite understand?” he said.
