Page 18 of Step Monster

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As our eyes met once more in the rearview, and she gave me a bright smile, I had a feeling that we were going to be just fine.

Chapter Eleven


When we got back to the house, I made Trevor run in ahead of me. Yeah, he’d seen me naked in the car, but not all of me and I’d been too concerned about the gash in his chest to be embarrassed about it then.

I watched from the backseat as he walked inside, my gaze raking over his muscular back and naked ass. Damn, I’d known he was handsome and strong, but I had no idea he was hiding that kind of ripped body underneath his clothes this whole time.

My heart was pounding as I got out of the car and ran to the house, opening the door and sprinting inside, praying no one had seen me. When I closed the door behind myself, I was hit in the face with something soft.

Grabbing it, I realized it was my robe that Trevor had tossed down the stairs to me. I slid it on and followed him up, meeting him in my room where he was standing in just a pair of jeans, holding a first aid kit.

“I need a shower,” I said, wrinkling my nose as I stared down at my dirty hands. “So do you.”

“Yeah, but I want to talk first. Before Dad and Carol get back,” he said. “Are you very hurt?”

“I’m really not,” I promised him. Most of the wounds had closed up on our way home, but I could tell there were some bruises that would take a while to fade. “How about you?”

“Nah, I’m good,” he said with a shrug, setting the first aid kit on the dresser behind himself. “Benefits of shifter healing.”

I was going to make a snide remark about that being the only benefit, but then I realized that wasn’t true. The beast and I had made our peace out in the woods. I could feel it now inside of me, content and calm, its presence seeming to thrum in time with my heartbeat.

“This was what you meant,” I whispered, my hand pressing flat against my chest as I stared up at Trevor. “That the beast is a part of me. I’m sorry I didn’t understand. Sorry I fought it for so long.”

“No,” he said, reaching out to pull my hand from my chest into his, sparks lighting over our fingers. “No more apologies.”

“What is that?” I asked, watching arcs of light dance across our skin, but feeling no shocks or pain.

“That’s Fate,” he said. “It’s why I fell in love with you so fast. Why, I hope, you fell for me, too. We’re soul mates, Celia. Two halves of the same whole. Made just for each other.”

“Soul mates?” I asked, my eyes widening as a smile tugged at my lips. “Is that a monster thing?”

“Not just monsters,” he admitted. “But I don’t think humans feel it or see it the way we do. This…” he released my hand and trailed his finger up my arm, both of us watching as blue sparks followed everywhere our skin connected. “This only happens for us.”

“Will it always be like this?” I asked, reaching out to press my hand to his chest, watching blue sunbursts spark between us.

“Not with the sparks,” he said. “Those will go away once we’re mated.”

“Mated?” I stared up at him as my heart started pounding in my chest.

“Yeah. Don’t worry, I’m not pressuring you into anything. When you’re ready, and we give our bodies to each other, our souls will combine, and we’ll be mated forever.” He gave me a soft smile. “There’s no rush. I’ll wait for you forever if you need me to.”

“So we’ll be…what?” I asked, trying to figure out what exactly he was saying. “Monster married?”

“Yeah,” he agreed. “And then we’ll get regular married. I mean…if you want to. When the time comes.”

“You love me?” I hated how small and weak my voice sounded, but it was all a little much to believe.

“More than you could possibly understand,” he said softly. “I didn’t understand it at first, to be honest. How hard and fast I fell for you. But I did. And I do love you, Celia.”

Was it really that simple? I’d never even been on a date before. Trevor had been my first kiss. I’d seen movies and read books and it always seemed to take forever for couples to realize they loved each other. But this felt…easy. And so, so right.

“I love you, too,” I said. “And maybe I needed to learn to love my beast to be ready to admit it. Or maybe we’re both insane.” I laughed as I slid my hand up his chest and around his neck. “But I do love you.”

His arm wound around my waist, and he pulled me into his chest, lowering his face to kiss me gently. The motion caused my robe to open and suddenly we were standing there, our tongues sliding together as our bare chests pressed against one another, and my entire body seemed to light on fire with need for him.

I didn’t want to wait. I wanted him. I’d wanted him earlier when he’d kissed me. The weight of him on top of me had been more comforting than anything I’d ever experienced, and I didn’t want to wait one more minute to feel like that again. And if he was right, it sounded like I’d be able to feel that way with him for the rest of my life.
