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Alexander felt skeptical about telling his brother what he was about to say next. He did not know what Colin’s reaction would be, since he never took things seriously. “We have not shared a bed since we married,” he mumbled in a small voice.

“Pardon? I do not think I heard you correctly, brother. Did you just say you have not shared a bed or was that my imagination running away with me?” Alexander could see the shock evident in his brother’s face.

“You heard me correctly, Colin. We have not consummated our marriage,” he repeated, already regretting the words as the shock in his brother’s face gave way to amusement.

“Oh, dear heavens, that is the saddest news I have ever heard. How is that possible? Did she refuse to welcome you in her bed?” he asked, laughing rambunctiously.

“Why would you think so? She did not refuse my advances! I just have not made any,” Alexander sputtered, embarrassed.

“I am sorry, brother. I should not have made jest of your situation,” Colin said contritely, though Alexander could still see a hint of a smile on his lips.

“I do have to say though, dear brother, my sister-in-law is very attractive. I would not have ignored her for this long if I were you,” Colin joked, trying to make light of the situation.

Alexander understood that his brother was joking with him but could not understand why he was annoyed by his brother’s choice of words. “Perhaps, but you are not me, are you?”

Colin seemed to realize then that his words had not been very respectful. He at least had the grace to look sorry as he threw up his hands in surrender. Alexander’s anger cooled and he sighed, an awkward moment passing between the two.

“Can I at least make a suggestion if I promise there will be no more jokes at your expense?” Colin asked, suddenly serious.

“I understand that the situation that brought the two of you together was not ideal, however, have you considered being pleasant to her?” He raised his hands to stop his brother from speaking, “I know you, Alexander. You are used to things going according to the plans you set; a curse of being the older son, I suppose. However, none of this has gone according to the plans you had for when you were ready to settle down. So, do you think there is a chance it has made you quite unkind to her?”

Alexander stared at his brother in wonder. “You should consider using that brain in your head for more serious matters more often,” he said.

“Why would I do that when there is enough seriousness in you to tide the family over?” Colin grinned. “I am serious, Alex; you should consider my words. This might change your marriage for your benefit. There is nothing you can do now, so make the best of your situation. Are you not tired of the coldness between you and your new bride?”

“There are very few times I have and will ever say this, Colin, but you are right,” he drawled out. It was not like the thought had not crossed his mind before. He just had a lot of emotions to sort out.

“I only need to be right those few times, and I am glad you see the sense in what I said.” Colin truly did seem happy about it.

“How about you come with me to the house? We could have supper together; having you there will make it easier to engage in a conversation with her,” Alexander suggested.

“Indeed,I can make anyone relax in my presence,” Colin smirked, returning to his usual playful self.

“Actually, this was a bad idea. Maybe you should stay here." Alexander frowned and averted his gaze from his brother.

"No, I havebeen longing to speak to my sister-in-law, you cannot retractyour invitation now," Colin mocked, and his brother rolled his eyes at him, beckoning him to get up.

Alexander sighed dramatically. “Fine. We might as well be on our way,” he said and shook his head at Colin’s triumphant smile, “I hope I do not regret this,” he mumbled to himself.


Alexander and Colin arrived at the townhouse and were informed that Caroline was entertaining a guest in the drawing room. They entered to find herand her sister, Ann, conversing.

Colin walked over, greeting them, while Alexander remained behind, watching them from his vantage point near the door.

“My dearest sister-in-law, I am glad to see you are looking well. I have been meaning to get to know you, but time and circumstances have not exactly been favorable. I hope you can forgive me?” Colin asked, staring straight at Caroline.

Alexander noticed Caroline’s eyes slide to him quickly before returning her attention to Colin. She smiled at him and said, “It is of no consequence. I am glad to finally have the opportunity to make your acquaintance. This is my sister, Ann,” Caroline said, reaching her hand out to her.

“It is a pleasure to meet you, Lady Ann. I believe my day has been blessed, to behold two beautiful women. My brother is certainly lucky to have you,” Colin said tactlessly.

Alexander closed his eyes at his brother’s words. He had known he would regret choosing to bring him along, but he was desperate and had hoped that he would not joke around. Not when Alexander had made him aware of the situation.

Alexander locked eyes with his wife, who was already staring at him warily. His eyes traveled to her hands that were wound so tightly around her sister’s, that they were beginning to turn white. He could not help but wonder whether she thought he had brought his brother over to torment her and make her feel more miserable than she already was.

The silence between them had stretched so long that it had turned into awkwardness once more. His brain moved a mile a minute as he struggled to find something to say that would dispel the unsettling air around them, but he could not find anything. He supposed this was the price to pay for choosing to not try harder in getting to know her and at least striving for peaceful coexistence.

“Lady Caroline, Alexander told me that you spend a lot of time in the garden, and I wondered if you could teach me. You see, there are many a thing that I am good at, but gardening is not one of them. I am afraid flowers wither to avoid the torture my hands would put them through,” he faked a sad expression as Caroline and her sister laughed at his antics.
