Page 32 of Simply Complicated

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School was a far fetched idea for my parents, so with the joint risk of my father’s cancer and me not being home to help them, I knew asking for money would be a bust. So, I had to find a way to pay off my school debts on my own. If I didn’t have the funds within a month, I would be out on my ass. I couldn’t let that happen. Sure, I wallowed in self-pity and pessimism for a good week, but I quickly snapped out of that bubble. I had worked too hard to let that become my reality.

I had no idea what I was going to do. Being my usual faux-optimistic self though, I tried to be proactive. With my luck, a failed attempt of work study and sweaty job at the local pizzeria served to be slaps in the face to only reiterate my fate. The truth of the matter was my scholarship only covered the first two years. When I applied to school I promised myself I’d be working my ass off to have enough for the remaining years.

I left to find something to eat when she approached me.

“You looking for work?” Lindsey Monaghan whispered from behind a wall after seeing me sink to the floor. I had just been denied yet again another job and things were turning for the worst.

I rolled my eyes and sighed. Another one of Lindsey’s terrible ideas was about to be spring on me. I looked down, swallowing hard, wondering what she was about to rope me into now.

“Yeah, but it’s nothing you could help me with,” I grumbled as I struggled to get myself off the floor. Lindsey snorted and strolled confidently over to me. Her long red hair swished by her full hips just as her brand-new Louis Vuitton bag swung on her shoulder. She stood deathly close to me, a wave of her flowery perfume hitting me in the face. I rolled my eyes. Not actually at her, but at the shiny new bag that glared at my poor, broken self on the floor.

“Well for one, you always wear the same shit every day. Judging by your pleas for help, I’d say you need money. Quick money,” Lindsey retorted with a wink.

I sighed. Lindsey was considered the slut on campus, but it would be a mistake to pass off her intellect. She had the highest GPA of our class, and several job offers at big time companies. I envied her so much.

“Stripping is not on my list of options,” I snarled.

“Yeah, I’d hope not. You don’t have the balls or tits for it.” She chuckled.

My face reddened and I cleared my throat. “Piss off Lindsey, okay?”


I rolled my eyes wanting to get as far away from her as I could. What could this girl possibly want? “What, Lindsey?”

Lindsey looked left and right before moving close to my ear, her raspberry tinted lips practically touching my earlobe.

“If you need quick money there’s a job service that can provide that. Full discretion. And no, it’s not porn or stripping,” Lindsey whispered. “It’s something much more sophisticated than that.”

Lindsey stepped back with a grin spreading across her perfectly structured face.

I gulped. It sounded sketchy, but I needed it. Badly. “Okay. Say I’m interested in this gig. What exactly is it?”

“Ever heard of escorting?”

My heart sank. Escorting? No way in hell. “You’re crazy. I’m not about to be a prostitute!”

“Calm down! It’s not like that! Look, how do you think I get the most expensive bags?” Lindsey shot back as she held out her new bag. It seemed to stare me in the eyes, shaming me for owning such a tattered, old book bag.

“I don’t want to have sex with some old guy for money.” I winced with a lump growing in my throat. Was that what my life has come to? Sleeping with old guys just to get a degree?

“Relax. You don’t have to sleep with them. Some just want the company of a beautiful, young girl.”

“That sounds way too good to be true. You’re telling me you’ve never slept with a client?”

“Oh, no, I do all the time. I'm just saying you don’t have to if you don’t want to.” Lindsey chirped as she pulled out lip gloss and slabbed it over her full lips.

I exhaled heavily. As much as I was against the idea of escorting, it honestly didn’t soundtoobad. “Fine. Say I was interested. How do I get in?”

Lindsey dug in her bag and pulled out a single pink card. It had a number and address on it.

“Go to this address, then call the number. You have to be at the location first though, or else they won’t see you.” Lindsey instructed me. “Also, wear something a little more sexy. Not too skanky, but something that could show off that figure you have hidden beneath those drapes you call clothes.”

I rolled my eyes and nodded. Lindsey blew me a kiss then turned on her heel to head towards the elevator.

Why did Lindsey Monaghan help me? I bit my lip and paced trying to decide what I was going to do. Escorting was the last thing I wanted to do but I’m desperate.


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