Page 34 of Simply Complicated

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My heart was racing in my chest as we pulled into the parking space. Freddie turned off the car, then pointed a long, pale finger towards a red door.

“Enter there. Say Freddie brought you. They will take it from there.”

I nodded and nervously opened the car door. The red door looked like the gateway to hell as I approached it. Freddie sped away, leaving me shuffling towards my fate. My heels felt too high and the dress suddenly seemed as if it would pop open.

“Just open it you coward,” I muttered to myself. With a very sweaty hand, I opened the red door which was surprising heavy. As soon as it was opened, I found a completely different world inside.

The walls were red, and the carpet was black with red trimmings. I cautiously stepped one foot after the other, amazed by the atmosphere. Soft jazz music was playing, and there was a large red couch in the middle of the room. Several young women dressed in lavish clothes were lazily sitting down. Some smoked cigarettes, other applied lipstick and fixed their hair. They were beautiful. So beautiful that I wanted to ask them their names.

“Hello, may I help you?” A man’s voice suddenly asked, causing me to whirl around quickly. He was a tall man with blonde, slicked back hair. He was clearly wearing makeup, and it matched perfectly with his black and red suit.

I gulped and nodded.

“I’m L-, err Gita. Freddie brought me,” I squeaked, the words flying out of me. The man suddenly smiled, his lips stretched across his plastic face.

“Welcome Gita. We’re glad to see you’re interested in our company. Please sit and wait for one of our professionals to call you in for your interview.”

I forced a smile back then wobbled to the long red couch. I assumed the girls would scoot over to give me room, but no one budged. Squeezing in on the very edge, I tried to make myself comfortable.

I sat there waiting patiently for my interview. The more I sat there quietly, the more I fidgeted with my hair. The building was beautiful with expensive paintings on the walls. They had it decorated very classy. You would never know what was conducted in this building.

Finally, I saw a beautiful woman, probably in her 30’s with long blonde hair and a handsome man with broad shoulders and tousled hair walking towards me. The man was probably in his 40’s and was wearing a suit. A suit that you could tell was tailored specifically to him. If my clients looked like him, this job would be a breeze.

“Good morning, I’m Dr. Shepard, and this is Ms. Robinson. Would you like to come back, so we can start your interview?”

“Of course,” I replied, hoping the sweat from my underarms wasn’t showing on my dress.

He extended his hand and walked with me to the office. There was an L shaped desk, a black leather couch, a couple of office chairs. I sat down in the chair without being asked. I kept myself from speaking because I wasn’t sure how to start the conversation. I didn’t want to say something stupid, so I just waited to be quizzed.

“So, Gita , what makes you want to work for us?” Dr. Shepard asked, looking me over.

I couldn’t help but think to myself,with you as a boss who wouldn’t want to work for you? I tried to stay focused, but I couldn’t. I began to feel hot, which in turn, made me even more nervous. “Well, I am a college student. I need something to help pay my way. My scholarship doesn’t cover all of it.”

“Well, first, I commend you for going to college. That’s a smart thing to do. I do want to let you know we have to make sure we only hire the best of the best. Our clients want beautiful, classy women to escort them to events. We can’t have anyone that is childish or grungy.”

Crap, I had failed. Maybe I should have worn something else. He doesn’t like my outfit. Well, much to his demise, I wasn’t going to come dressed in a skimpy outfit. That’s not how I would dress to escort someone to a business dinner. “Do I not look okay? I thought this would be proper. I have more classier clothes I can wear.”

“No, you look fine. In fact, you have a body that most men would kill to be close to. You’re a brunette with curly hair, which is the most common asked for, and you obviously keep in shape. I have no doubt in my mind that you can do our services.” He said, while carefully taking my body measurements in, almost like he was keeping them for his memory.

“May I ask what the problem is then?” I asked. Something must be wrong. There was something in his voice that made me feel like abutwas coming.

“We ask that you do not sleep with the clients. We want to watch out for our girls, and we can’t do that if you are contracting sexual transmitted diseases. There are plenty of men that would pay to have you by their side without the sex.” Ms. Robinson explained.

This helped calm my nerves knowing they would rather us not sleep with clients. I didn’t have any intention of ever doing that.

“We would like to also know your preferences. This will only work if we can set you up with someone you will enjoy being around. Do you have an age limit?” She asked.

I hadn’t thought of that. Did I? Surprisingly, I didn’t think I would be given an age option. My expectations were I had to go out with whoever paid me, with no say so in the matter really.

“Max would be forty-five, I think. I hadn’t given much thought to that.”

“Since we have gone over most of the rules and what you want, let’s move on. Usually, we invite our newcomers to an event where we finish the interview. We like to see our girls engage the clients in a business setting to make sure you have what it takes. Would you still like to continue?” Dr. Shepard.

I took a second, so I didn’t sound so eager, “Yes.”

“I will pick you up around 6pm. Wear something elegant. This will also be your chance to show off. You can show them you can handle light conversation and what you look like. Come looking like you did, and they won’t be disappointed.” He said escorting me out of his office.

Ms. Robinson took me to the exit and gave me an address for the pickup location. It wasn’t too far from the college campus, so I could just walk.
