Page 42 of Simply Complicated

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We made it to our hotel room, and all I wanted to do was feel hot water against my skin. I drop my suitcase on the bed, pulled out under clothes, jeans, and a tunic. A nice hot shower would make me feel better. I don’t even let him know I’m getting in the shower I just did. I turned the shower on and let it warm up while I got undressed. Stepping into the shower, the water hitting my breasts, felt amazing. I feel disgusted after traveling all day with him. His attitude was unbearable. I noticed myself thinking about him while I was standing in the shower naked.Stop!I focused on cleaning myself and getting as much time alone as I could. A shower might be the only time I would get time by myself while being here. I might as well enjoy it to the fullest.

A couple of minutes later, he barged in asking me to hurry up. Damn, did he have no patience? I wanted to jump out of the shower and slap him, but I was naked. No way I was giving him the satisfaction of seeing me bare. So, I just yelled at him from behind the door, “Get the fuck out! Don’t just come here while I’m in the shower. You sick Fuck!” I wanted to say so many other things but figured that would get my point across just fine.

“We are supposed to be down for dinner in an hour. You going to be able to get ready fast enough?” He asked like it’s going to take me hours to get ready.

“I don’t need to wear a bunch of makeup, right? I’ll be ready in time.” I yelled as he inched out of the bathroom, closing the door behind him.

I didn’t really like his tone much. I knew he was paying me to be here but still, he could treat me with some respect. You don’t walk into the bathroom while someone was showering. How fucking rude could he get? I asked myself this, knowing it could possibly get a lot worse.Keep it together. Do it. Put up with it. Go home and collect your paycheck.I desperately needed that damn money. If I didn’t, my ass wouldn’t be here. Hell, I wouldn’t have made it past the first ten minutes of dinner that night if I wasn’t so desperate.

Once out of the shower and dressed, I walked out to see him in a very lovely tuxedo. I looked down at myself, realizing I needed to look more formal. Well, he could have said something.

I pulled a red gown on and black strappy heels and waited for his approval on the outfit. He looked me up and down, “I guess that will work. The first impression of you with my family is going to mean everything. Make sure to smile and laugh. You need to look happy for this to work.”

It’s not like I’m an idiot. I knew what I was getting paid for and that was to make them believe a lie. Why he doesn’t have a girlfriend, I could never guess? Oh wait, being by his side for this long, and I already want to gauge his eyes out. Being single for him made sense.

We walked downstairs to the resort’s restaurant to an outside deck where his mother introduced herself with a huge smile. His mother was decked out in diamonds and the dress she was wearing looked like it cost a pretty penny. Matteo grabbed my hand eagerly. I looked happy, but he doesn’t. I elbowed him and gave the evil eye. If he fucked this up, I’m still getting paid for doing my part.

“Mom, this is my girlfriend, Lacey.” Matteo introduced me. Although, he didn’t seem very sincere.You are going to have to do a better fucking job than that!

“Hi dear, I’m Lorraine, I’m so glad to meet you. I was surprised to hear Matteo had a date for the wedding. He has never been the type to have a girlfriend for very long. Hopefully, you stick around.” She said with a sincere voice but her eyes were wary, looking for my flaws. I could tell she was protective of her little boy.

At this point, I wanted to laugh so bad and let her know it’s all just a scam, but I don’t. I kept the thought of $10,000 in the back of my mind. It’s the only thing that’s going to get me through this trip safely.

Lorraine walked me over to meet the rest of his family. First, the father, Jack, then his sister and her future husband. They all seem very surprised I showed up. His sister kept giving me looks from afar like she didn't believe this ruse for a second. I don’t blame her. Matteo doesn’t even look happy. He’s the worst actor ever. If he wanted to sell we were a couple, he needed pointers because, at this rate, I’ll be going home tomorrow.

We sat down at the table for dinner, and I was surprised to find out that it had already been ordered. I didn’t even get to choose my food while being here?Shit!The family was discussing things that I knew nothing about, so I just smiled and nodded my head occasionally, so they would think I was listening. The truth was, I kept spacing out thinking how bad the time here was going to be if I couldn’t even pick my own damn dinner. Do they get to choose my outfits too?

At this point, the food was served, and it was a fancy fish contraption. If Matteo knew anything, he would know I hate fish. Something about it tasted awful to me. The smell was even worse. How could people cook that in their home willingly? I would never understand. There was no way I was going to eat this. I began to scoop a spoonful of fish at a time and toss it under the table onto the ground. I kept looking around making sure no one was looking at me. The last thing I needed was to get caught wasting food around some rich family. I went to throw another spoonful underneath when someone said, “How does it taste?”

It tasted like shit actually, not that I would ever put it in my mouth. I didn’t need to know how it smelled. Once his mom’s eyes were off me, I threw the last of it underneath the table. Not a single person noticed, but I felt terrible for the waiter that would have to clean it up once we left. The sad thing was that I was starving, my stomach gurgling loudly caught his attention. I cupped my stomach trying to silence it but didn’t help.

“Do you want more?” He asked looking at my cleaned plate.

I wanted something to eat badly, but I couldn’t say anything to him. It’s not like we even got along. He would probably lose his shit if he knew what I did. I just shook my head in response. When the waiter came back and asked if anyone wanted dessert, I spoke up quick. Everyone around the table looked at me.What? Was it not customary to get dessert? I didn’t care. I needed something to put in my stomach. I hadn’t eaten all day. I was not going to bed hungry. The waiter brought my brownie delight to the table which was a colossal brownie with ice cream on top with nuts. It didn’t look as delicious as a steak would but right now, I just wanted something to put in my stomach that wasn’t fish. I devoured it in a matter of minutes, and when I finished, everyone was staring at me.

“This woman loves her dessert. I can’t take her anywhere without getting dessert before we leave.” He said smiling and grabbing my hand.

Nice save. I knew I would probably get asked about it later but right now, my belly wasn’t growling, and that’s all that mattered. They could stare at me all they want. I was entitled to dessert if I wanted it.

Chapter 7


Heading back to the hotel room, I couldn’t believe how the night had gone. Why couldn’t she sell it better? What was she thinking, ordering dessert before it was offered? Who would ever be so quiet at the dinner table? She was meeting my family for the first time, the least she could do was be more interactive. I doubt anyone believed that façade tonight. Right now, I was furious. If this doesn’t pan out, then I’m screwed. Maybe, I should have picked someone else. Lacey just wasn’t meeting my expectations. I couldn’t have this fall through. Otherwise I would look like an absolute fool in front of my family. That can’t happen. We must do better tomorrow.

I checked my phone to see if Kimberly, my assistant, had left any voicemails. Nothing. Usually, when I was away from the office for more than a couple hours, she was calling me with an update.Weird.

I dialed her phone number. She answered, “Thank you for calling Matteo’s office. How can I help you?”

“Everything okay? I’ve got no voicemails or emails from you.” I said worriedly.

“Yes, boss. Everything is okay. Enjoy your vacation. I’ve got this handled.” She replied, and I could tell she was wearing a smile on the other end.

Kimberly had been my assistant for five years. She knew almost every aspect of my life. My laundry schedule, how I liked my coffee, my favorite places to eat, and probably anything else you could think of. A dedicated employee, she knew how important it was for me to get away.

Lacey walked into the room, huffing and puffing like she had any right to do.

“I don’t know what happened tonight, but you are going to have to step your game up. Tomorrow must be better than this. I got way too many looks like they were unsure. Do you understand?” I didn’t mean to come off like an utter asshole, but after the way she turned and looked at me, boy was I glad I did. I had to close my eyes and take a deep breath to calm myself down.

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