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I makeher walk in front of me when we exit the elevator on the third floor. Her bare feet make almost no noise on the old hospital linoleum floor. I try to concentrate on her feet and not on her bare legs, or how her hips sway with every step and definitely not how her whole body is trembling with fear. It excites me, turns me on, while at the same time it disgusts me. I want her fear, in fact, I need her afraid. It’s the only way this will work. She slows down when we reach the same room that we had tied her to the bed in yesterday, and I prepare myself, half expecting her to try to run from me at any second. When she doesn’t move, I clear my throat.

“Walk all the way to the end,” I order her, and she starts moving again. She stops at the end of the hallway and turns her head to look at me over her shoulder, her eyes are wide, uncertainty filling them. If she thinks I’m the nice guy in all of this, the one that can save her from this madness, then she’s going to be sorely disappointed.

“To the right,” I direct and she turns at my words. A small gasp escapes her mouth, as soon as she enters the room. Turns out we didn’t have to build a cell to keep her in, there was already a cell here... a padded one for psych patients.

Shock courses through me when she steps in without complaint. For some strange reason, I never expected her to follow directions which causes me to analyze her. Maybe she’s just too scared to say something, which is the best case scenario really, we need her scared. Or maybe she’s coming to her senses, realizing there is no way out of this?

She stops in the center of the room, where I left her a stack of blankets, and turns around to face me. Her hands are clutching onto the water bottle and sandwich we gave her upstairs, but judging by her facial expression, she isn’t nearly as scared as I thought she would be at this point and that pisses me off. Does she think this is a fucking vacation? That all it would take is one word and Declan would be down here putting a bullet between her eyes? Maybe I need to remind her of that.

“Don’t think that what we did this morning changed anything. We will continue to use your body. It’s obvious we have been way too easy on you, so you’ll stay in here from now on. Your daddy has until six tonight, if he doesn’t give us what we want, we’re going to take another video for him, and this time it won’t be just a quick preview like the last one. This time you’ll be the star of the show, and you’ll do exactly as we say, otherwise, you’ll wish we would have killed you already.” My words are clipped and harsh sounding just as I intend them to be.

Her eyes fill with fear, her body trembling. My blood pounds, burns at her reaction. That’s just what I want to see. I turn around and walk out of the cell, closing it and locking it before making my way back upstairs. My cock is rock hard, and my blood is still slightly boiling when I reach the living room.

Trey is on his laptop when I walk in, he looks up when he sees me approaching, and I know just from the worried look in his eyes that whatever he is going to say isn’t something I’ll like.

“He didn’t respond yet…and he’s most likely not going to.”

“How do you know?”

Trey rolls his eyes, clearly offended by my question.

“What do you mean how do I know? I’ve been monitoring his emails and phone calls since last night. He opened the email a few minutes after we sent it. Right after that, he called his head of security and chewed his ass then told him to find his daughter. He called and emailed some more people this morning, calling in some favors, trying to get more information on us, but of course there is none to be found. If he’s trying to find her, he’s doing a shit job, and if he wants her back, he’s doing an even shittier job, because he hasn’t given me a single indication that he is going to contact us. Either he’s not taking this seriously, or he doesn’t give a fuck.”

“We tried it your way. Now let’s do it my way.” Declan appears in the doorway. “Just put the girl out of her misery. We’ll make it quick and pain-free. Then send her head to her father. It’ll take us less than ten minutes to get done.”

I shake my head. “He’s just not taking us seriously yet, and that’s fine. We’ll take another video and then he’ll crack,” I say, hoping that I’m right about this, because if not, the outcome for her is not going to be a good one, hell it isn’t a good one now. Either she will die, or she will leave this place haunted by the memory of us and the things we did to her.

“If we kill her now, we are no closer to getting the flash drive then we were yesterday.”

“I’m with Wes, no killing yet,” Trey announces, looking over the top of his screen.

“Fine, have it your way,” Declan mumbles before walking out of the room. A tiny rift is forming between us and I don’t like it at all. Declan is determined to kill her and while that would prove a point, it won’t get us the flash drive.

I walk around the table so I can look at Trey’s computer screen. He has the feed from the cell pulled up. Jessa is sitting in the center of the room her legs pulled to her chest, her head resting on her knees.

“Why do we have to keep her in the cell, she was so much fun this morning,” Trey whines.

“She was, but we can’t forget who she is and why we have her here. Especially now that her father is not reacting like we had hoped. We’re going to have to start hurting her, and not just a little bit. Just saying the words has my stomach in knots, but I know it has to be done. We need to make him pay for what he did to our family and we need to get that flash drive. I just didn’t think crossing the line would be so hard.

I spend the next few hours trying to busy myself and get my mind cleared. I need to be ready for what’s to come this afternoon. After I eat lunch with my brothers, I make an extra sandwich and grab another bottle of water before heading downstairs.

Opening her cell, I find her sitting in the same spot I left her. Her big blue eyes look up at me with a mixture of fear and anticipation. I step into the cell to hand her the food and water.

“Thank you,” she tells me quietly and places the stuff down beside her.

“You need to go to the bathroom?”

She nods her head and pushes herself up off the floor. I motion for her to walk ahead of me just like I did when I brought her down here. She follows my directions and steps out of the cell.

“Two doors down, on the left.” I watch her go into the bathroom. “You have two minutes in there, not a second more.” She nods again and closes the door behind her. I keep looking at my watch, timing the two minutes, knowing damn well that she doesn’t have a watch on and there is no way for her to know the time. I shake my head and drop my arms.

“Ten seconds left,” I yell through the door. Five seconds later the door opens, and Jessa appears in front of me.

“Did my dad contact you yet?” she asks as I walk her back to the cell.

“Nope,” I answer her.

“He probably didn’t get the message yet. As soon as he gets it, he’ll clear up this whole thing.” Her certainty about her father’s innocence angers me on so many levels. I want to yell at her, tell her to stop being so stupid and open her eyes, but she will have to face those facts soon enough. I usher her into her cell and lock the door behind her.

None of this is going as I thought it would. I figured she would be a spoiled brat, whining every second of the day, demanding things she has no right asking for. I expected so many things, but this is definitely not one of them. Why does she have to be so fucking sweet and innocent? This would be so much easier if she was the stuck up bitch I thought she would be.
