Page 153 of The Endowment Effect

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Why wouldn’t he have mentioned that she owned property in Wayward? That she had inherited it after her parents chugged cyanide and Maisie was no longer an option as the preferred benefactor?

Checking her watch, she started to worry.

Lucas was running late.

He called her shortly after dropping Mia off at his house, claiming he had a dinner meeting that night and asked if he could drop Mia off with her that evening, and then pick her up from Folsom’s in the morning.

Dinner meeting, huh? Was that code for a date?

If it were a date, how did she feel about him seeing another woman the same day he had his way with her on his desk?

Refusing to kiss her.

“Excuse me, are you Birdie Wellborn?”

Her head popped up at the unusually high voice sitting next to her. “I’m Birdie Shep…” she stopped. What was the point? “Yes, I’m Birdie Wellborn.”

The woman was gorgeous with shiny, long, dark hair and perfect skin, and quite the impressive contour job. Her cheekbones could literally cut a wedge of cheese.

The beautiful woman held out her hand and Birdie reluctantly shook it, wondering what color of lipstick she used.

“Hi, I’m Penelope Walker. The niece of the fire chief. Hollis Walker? I’m also Lucas Santos’s ex-fiancée.”


What the…

Had Lilith eavesdropped on their afternoon interlude and squealed to this woman that Lucas had his way with her in his office?

Did she show up at the bar for retribution? Payback? Was she packing?

Would it be untimely to ask what brand of foundation she used? The woman had no visible pores.

“Don’t look so worried,” Penelope said, after ordering a vodka tonic. “I just wanted to meet you. You’re kind of a legend around these parts.”

Birdie chuckled, “I’m not legendary as much as infamous.”

“Not true.” Penelope smiled and picked up her glass and clicked it against Birdie’s. “All I know is, the Pinkie Posse thinks you are quite the cat’s meow. Their words, not mine,” she tittered with a wink.

Birdie laughed, “Oh, I wouldn’t say that. In high school, I was voted the most likely to share a prison cell. An opinion widely shared by the influential women of Wayward.”

“Well, all I know is, Lucas has never forgotten you. I think you’re the reason he would never commit.”

Okay, this was where Penelope more than likely pulled out a handgun from her Louis Vuitton bag, which, after a quick sweep, Birdie could tell was real.

“I don’t know what to say to that. I think I’m the last person to keep Lucas from settling down, and I’m pretty sure the town would agree.”

“I heard you helped Pinkie’s crew create a video.”

Birdie welcomed the change of subject. She didn’t know how she felt about this ethereal being having been affianced to Lucas.

She also wished she chose to wear something other than a pair of skinny jeans and a slouchy sweatshirt.

“Well, yeah, but we just finished up today. It posted a few hours ago.” She wasn’t sure where Penelope was going with this.

“I heard you’re directing fifteen second clips of women empowerment songs for them?”

Birdie nodded, as she took a sip of her juice. “It keeps them off the streets and out of trouble.”
