Page 155 of The Endowment Effect

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Making love to her tender and slow?


Suddenly, Lucas appeared on the barstool next to hers, looking uncharacteristically disheveled.

“Hey, Bird,” he said, getting the attention of the bartender and asking for a Blanton’s on the rocks.

She looked toward the entrance and then back at him. “Where’s Mia?”

“Oh, she’s spending the night at the Walkers. She and Lorraine are making what she calls a vegan feast. I didn’t bother telling her “vegan feast” was an oxymoron, but unfortunately, the Chief did. I tried to call you but you didn’t answer. Tomorrow, Lorraine wanted to take her to a festival in Brunswick. I told her you’d call if you had other plans.”

Looking down at her phone, she realized she had a couple missed calls from him and she had left it on silent from earlier in the day when she and Mia were editing the video and didn’t want any disruptions.

“Hope that’s okay,” he said, taking a hefty swallow.

“I thought you had a dinner meeting?”

“That was with Maynard. He’s not feeling well, so I told him we’d reschedule. Frankly, I think he’s on a date.”

“Oh.” She drained her cranberry juice and began to stand, lifting her purse from the hook beneath the bar top.

His hand jetted out to grab her by the bicep.

“Wait. Where are you going?”

“Home… I mean, the station. Whatever it’s called. I’m leaving.”

“Why? I mean, why don’t you stay? Have dinner with me?”

She avoided eye contact with him as she was confused and hurt.

He wouldn’t kiss her. But he would sure as hell spank her. Treating the Penelope woman as if she were fragile glass and treating her like a cheap whore.

“Why?” she asked, roughly tugging her purse over her shoulder.

“What do you mean why? Mia’s spending the night at the Walkers and you and I need to eat, so why not do it together?”

* * *

Something wasn’t right.

Her face was flushed, and she refused to look him in the eye. Lucas recognized the indecision in Birdie’s expression and could tell she was upset.

“Hey, I’m sorry if I stepped out of bounds letting Mia stay with Lorraine, but you wouldn’t answer your phone and you know how easily Mia can work a room with those pleading puppy-dog eyes.”

Again, she refused to look at him.

She finally spoke. “That’s fine. I like Lorraine. She’s good to Mia. Treats her with kindness and respect.”

That sounded… cryptic. He held on to her elbow, as it seemed she was about to bolt.

“What’s the matter, Bird?” he asked, moving his head trying to capture her eyes. “Is this about what happened earlier?”

Her shoulders sagged, causing her purse strap to fall to the floor. She didn’t even bother to pick it up, which he found odd, as it was his experience that women treated their luxury bags like small pets, not allowing them to touch the floor or venture near the unwashed masses.

He picked it up and returned the strap to her shoulder. “Talk to me,” he coaxed, while lowering his voice. “I thought you enjoyed what we did.”

“I met your ex-fiancée,” she said deadpan, looking over his shoulder.
