Page 162 of The Endowment Effect

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“Are you telling me my grandparents were suicidal religious zealots?”

“Yes,” Birdie said, nodding at the pinpoint reference, suddenly regretting the SAT prep course she forced Mia to take. “Yes, I am.”

“And coming to Wayward, you didn’t think this was something you should’ve told me, say, in advance?”

“I just found out myself.”

“That they were religious fanatics?”

“No, trust me. I’ve always known that. I just found out they committed suicide.”


“When did they commit suicide?”

“No, when did you find out?”

“Less than a week ago.”

“Were you ever going to tell me?”

“Yes, I was waiting for the right time.”

“Mom, there is no right time to tell your daughter she comes from religious lunatics.”

Birdie’s body deflated. “That’s what your dad said.”

“Yes, let’s get back to Dad. How long have you been screwing him?”

“Mia Beatriz Shepherd,” Angus fumed. “Don’t make me say it agin. Watch hoo ya speak to yer ma. Ah’m goanae go ma dinger in a minute.”

“You always stick up for her,” Mia said, tears hitting her cheeks. “Even when she’s wrong. Well, you know what, if Dad were here, not… not dirt-bag-dad Lucas, but my real dad. If he were here, he’d tell me the truth. He would never lie to me. He would never keep things from me.” She was sobbing now, wiping the snot with the sleeve of her hoodie. “I hate you.”

She ran to the back and into the bathroom and slammed the door shut.

Birdie stood, shell-shocked, staring at the door. Her arms instinctively wrapping themselves around her middle.

“She’s never said that to me before. She’s never said that she hated me.”

“Dinna fash yerself, lassie. She be fine.” He reached down and began to fold the sheets. “I gotta ask ye, are ye sure aboot this oan?” he said, nodding toward the bedclothes, referring to Lucas.

“I’m not sure about anything anymore,” she admitted, staring at the bathroom door. “Should I ask her to come out?”

“No goanae dae that. The lass is fair dumfoonert.” Birdie looked up and Angus clarified. “Mia’s confused.”

Then he said, “Let me take ‘er for a ride. Talk a bit. Calm the lass doon.”

Birdie nodded. Amazed, once again, as to how she managed to destroy everything good in her life.

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