Page 166 of The Endowment Effect

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Her phone rang, and the number caught her attention.

“Excuse me, I have to take this,” she said, moving quickly down the hall a ways and in front of a long bank of hospital windows, overlooking the parking lot. “Hello? Jeanette? Is Miss Pearl okay?”

“Mrs. Shepherd, I’m so sorry to bother you, but I thought you should know that a clinical team arrived this morning and moved Miss Pearl out of the facility.”

“What do you mean moved her?”

“They removed her from the facility, Mrs. Shepherd. Took all her things and closed her account. I didn’t feel right about it, and would’ve contacted you sooner, but Miss Pearl was upset and I felt like I needed to stay as close to her for as long as I could. She was crying up a storm and they had to sedate her to settle her down. I made sure to call you before they made it to the end of the driveway.”

“I don’t understand, I thought the finance office said I was the person solely responsible for Miss Pearl? Her account was paid up for the next quarter. How could they take her without my permission?”

“They claimed you were the one who hired them to come and get her.” The woman’s tone turned angry. “The finance office manager claimed she called you personally and you gave them your permission and signed the necessary paperwork remotely. I knew they were lying.”

This couldn’t be happening. She had just spoken with Pearl yesterday. She was having a good day. So much so that Birdie promised to visit her as soon as she could.

Staring dazed and confused outside the window, a particularly sleek car caught her attention. A Mercedes-Maybach S 680.

She only knew of one man rich and self-absorbed enough to drive such a luxury car.

Errol leaned against the driver’s door, wearing an Armani suit and what she was sure were a pair of his signature Bentley platinum sunglasses. He pulled back the cuff of his suit to check his watch. She sucked in a gasp as he looked up at her. His way of telling her that time had run out.

He stared directly at her with a knowing smirk, as if he had orchestrated this entire set of circumstances and was ready to take his final bow.

Turning away from the glass, she fought to breathe, gulping and gasping, she couldn’t seem to get enough air into her lungs.

Errol had done this. Angus and Mia could have died.

Where had he taken Pearl and who was taking care of her?

Her legs lost all muscle control and she began to slide down the side of the window and to the floor.
