Page 176 of The Endowment Effect

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Having lived a life protecting others, now it was time to protect herself. And seek justice.

She was sick and tired of playing the victim, and razor focused on having a war to win. For, make no mistake about it, this was but a small skirmish. A means to an end. Moving forward she would be unforgiving and ruthless as her plan would take time and painstaking patience.

Now, given her circumstances, she had both.

Staring into Errol’s eyes, everything became crystal clear. Her path outlined before her.

She would make him pay.

She would wreak hell against him and anyone else responsible for putting the people she loved in danger. No longer having anyone from which to hide secrets or for whom to keep promises, she found herself in a position where she could afford the consequences.

For there was nothing left to lose.

“Yes,” she said, her own voice sounding disturbingly calm and tempered, even to her. “I do believe I am ready.”

Her eyes narrowed, as her heart turned dark and foreboding.

Errol visibly wavered, surely having never seen the grip of hatred pooling in her eyes, spilling over her body. Before now.

He held out his arm and she took it, gifting him a sinister smile.

Errol Shepherd was nothing more than a weak, dissolute man whom she’d find great satisfaction in destroying.

She’d treat it like a game.

Settling in the luxury car, she closed the door and the seatbelts slid sinuously over her torso. She stared out the window, devoid of expression or a beating heart as Lucas approached the hospital entrance. The doors opening automatically and then closing behind him.

He was gone.

Let the games begin.
