Page 71 of Ashes of Aether

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“By the gods,” he groans. “I didn’t think those stairs would ever end.”

“Nor did I,” I reply. “And we still have an entire trial to complete.”

He straightens and wipes his brow. “Don’t remind me. Hopefully, I’ll manage to catch my breath before Archmage Gidston arrives.”

I start to respond, but Eliya calls me.

“I can’t see your house, Reyna!” she shouts, leaning dangerously far over the platform. “Maybe it’s because yours is on the street right beneath us?”

I take a few strides closer and hesitantly peer at the city below. With the winds battering into me and threatening to blow me over the edge, every instinct screams at me to run back down the stairs. Even if it would take an hour to reach the bottom.

But I don’t. If I refuse this trial, I will never become a mage. I only have this one chance to prove my worthiness.

And if I fail, I will shame the Ashbourne legacy and disappoint my father.

I ignore my fear and stay right where I stand.

“Maybe it’s that,” I say.

“And look at how small the Arcanium is,” Eliya continues, pointing at the distant spires. “Isn’t it crazy since it’s actually so big?”

I follow her gaze across to where the Arcanium lies beneath us. Even the tower containing Archmage Gidston’s office seems so low down. The looming statues which guard the entrance are little more than dots.

But my assessment of the Arcanium is cut short. Purposeful footsteps stride toward us. I glance back to see Kaely approaching. The wind tugs on her braid.

She scans over my face, and her lips twist with smugness. Whatever she sees in my expression delights her. “Morning, Reyna,” she says, stopping a few paces short of Eliya and me. “You look awfully pale today. It wouldn’t be the height getting to you, would it? That would be such a shame, since your father can’t help you now, can he?”

At her words, the other adepts gathered atop the Aether Tower fall hushed. Koby’s mouth hangs agape. I don’t know why everyone is so shocked. Maybe it’s bold of her to confront me right before our first trial, but this is Kaely. She probably hopes to work me up into such a fury that I strike her with a fireball the moment Archmage Gidston arrives and disqualify myself from the Mage Trials. She would take great pride in being the reason I failed to graduate from the Arcanium.

Maybe she succeeded three years ago, but I’m no longer that same person. I won’t lose my temper. Not when it means putting everything at stake.

The other adepts are silent. They glance between Kaely and me, awaiting my response.

Eliya steps between us, no doubt fearing that I will lose my temper and destroy my entire future.

“Why don’t you just mind your own business and leave Reyna alone? Everyone is anxious to begin our first trial. The last thing anyone needs is for you to pick a fight with Reyna.”

The other adepts nod their agreement, but none dare to directly oppose Kaely. Only Eliya is willing to involve herself in an argument between the daughters of the Archmage of Defense and the Grandmage of Nolderan.

Kaely’s gaze rakes across the other adepts. When she finds no allies, she turns on her heel and storms over to the other side of the tower.

I blow out a breath and run my fingers through my hair. With the fierce winds slamming into us, it does little good in tidying the tangled locks.

“Can you believe she tried that stunt right before our first trial?” Eliya grumbles.

I shake my head. But I’m far from surprised by Kaely’s behavior. She will stop at nothing to ensure my failure. If there’s an opportunity to sabotage my trials, she will seize it.

Before Kaely can decide to march back over and taunt me again, Archmage Gidston arrives.

She steps from a cloud of violet light. The violent winds blow the aether dust through the air.

I’m not the only adept who stares at her in disbelief. Here she is, teleporting straight to the top, while we all had no such luxury. The wards surrounding the tower prevent anyone but official Magi of Nolderan from teleporting inside. The Aether Tower isn’t the only area restricted to adepts. The Vaults are another, where Nolderan’s most dangerous artifacts are stored far beneath the Arcanium. Only Nolderan’s most senior magi are permitted inside.

“It appears everyone has arrived,” Archmage Gidston says, scanning over us all. “Good. Then let us delay no further.” She continues to the platform’s edge.

Eliya and I step away and line up with the other adepts. She stands to my left, and Koby to my right. His fists clench as he visibly braces himself for the trial. Eliya appears much more relaxed. She looks like she’s waiting for an order at Flour Power rather than waiting for the Trial of Heart to begin.

“The past five years of your education at the Arcanium will culminate in these three Mage Trials,” Lorette declares. “Making it this far is an achievement itself. Many struggle to complete the grueling years of training as an adept.
