Page 22 of Storm of Shadows

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“Are you going to stand there all night?” I ask Natharius before biting into a chunk of jerky.

“I will stand where I like,” he replies, “and for however long I like.”

I shrug. If that’s what takes his fancy, so be it.

Natharius stays there for some time, but not all night. By the time I’ve finished eating, he deigns to grace me with his presence at the campfire.

He doesn’t make conversation, and I don’t either. He leans back on his elbows and stares into the flickering embers. I wonder what thoughts are currently going through that wicked mind of his. Maybe he entertains himself by thinking of all the awful ways he dreams of torturing me.

I pull out one of the books I found from Father’s office and flick through it. Zephyr nestles into the excess fabric of my robes, using it as a makeshift blanket. Remembering I packed one inside my satchel, I sift around for the orb I stored it as and sayacoligosto expand it to full size.

The blanket is made of violet brocade and is lightly padded. I spread it on the ground beneath us, and Zephyr wastes no time in making himself comfortable. He bites a corner and pulls it over him.

“I have a spare one,” I say to Natharius, though I’m not sure what possesses me.

The Void Prince raises his hand and conjures a blanket of his own from the shadows. It matches his tunic perfectly and appears to be from the same black silk with silver thread weaved through.

“Suit yourself,” I say.

After that, I spend the rest of the night reading notes on the advanced spells recorded in Father’s book until my eyes blur from fatigue. I return it to my satchel and pull out a sleeping potion. The Void Prince is staring into the flickering flames, so silent and still I’d think he’s sleeping with his eyes open if I didn’t know any better. Since he’s so focused on the campfire, it’s easy for me to sip the potion and return it to my satchel without him noticing. I sip even less than I did last night, conscious of the Ice Honey flowing through my veins, though I’m not sure if it will be enough to stop me from dreaming.

It turns out it is. I dream a dreamless sleep until dawn.


Iwaketoanagonizing ache across my legs. The Ice Honey has finally worn off.

For a while, I lie there and stare up at the cave’s stone ceiling. But then that proves unbearable, though I’m not even moving, so I push myself upright and end up disturbing Zephyr who’s nestled into my side. My muscles scream in protest, but I ignore them and glance around the cave.

Our campfire has burned out, but it mustn’t have died long ago since faint plumes of smoke waft upward. Surprisingly, the Void Prince appears to be asleep. He doesn’t look comfortable though, and his body is stiff, the silken blanket tucked around him. His arms are even crossed across his chest. It’s a wonder he’s fallen asleep in such an awkward position.

Except, I’m not sure he really was asleep. His eyes open as soon as I drag myself onto my feet. His eyes are crimson, but he’s at least rid himself of his wings and horns.

I frown at him. “You should change your eyes back.”

“Good morning to you, too,” he snaps.

“All I meant is your glowing red eyes will be problematic if we ride through a town.”

“We’re not riding through a town now,” he retorts.

“Fine. But if we pass through any towns—or go anywhere near them—then you’ll change your eyes back. And that’s an order.”

He glares at me.

I pull out some cheese and crackers to eat for breakfast and use the spellventrezto slice my cheese. I’m not as hungry as I expected to be after enduring an entire day of riding, but I make myself eat enough. When I’m done, I discreetly sip some Ice Honey and apply Blood Balm to Zephyr’s wing. It’s almost entirely healed, and I might not need to apply any tomorrow. I treat him to a large handful of aether crystals, and our mare watches longingly, so I offer her an apple. Natharius neither drinks nor eats and simply sits there on his blanket, drumming his fingers against his knee until I’m ready to leave.

Then onward we ride, soon finding the eastern road and continuing along it. The landscape flattens, and after a few hours, we ride past a small town in the distance. It’s so far away I have to squint to make out the roofs. We don’t pass anyone on the road though, and Natharius’s eyes remain crimson. We ride long and hard and stop twice throughout the entire day—and that’s only so our mare has time to rest. Otherwise, we’d have kept on riding. Our pace is so frantic that later in the afternoon, even Ice Honey isn’t enough to keep the pain at bay. Thankfully, it dulls it enough that I can walk.

We ride late into the evening and only stop for the night when the sun has long set. Tonight, we don’t find a cave or anywhere else for shelter, but at least it isn’t raining. Since we stop in the middle of a forest, the trees keep the howling wind at bay. The only issue is the ground being waterlogged from yesterday’s torrential rain. I press my palm to the grass and cast the spellcalidato drain the excess moisture from the soil. In some places, I accidentally drain too much and the grass shrivels up. The spell requires much concentration and energy, but my body has recovered and my blood is once more plentiful with aether.

When the earth is dry, we build another campfire. As usual Natharius says little, and our silence is filled by the crackling of flames and the hooting of owls. The wind rustles through the leaves high above. I pull out the book I started studying last night and continue reading it.

I must become stronger. I can’t rely on the Void Prince in the battle to come. To face Arluin, I must further my knowledge of magic.

One spell which catches my eye is a chain lightning spell calledfolmen. I learned how to manipulate aether into lightning during my third year at the Arcanium, but this is a more advanced version which allows me to summon multiple bolts.

I read the pages over and over, but there’s only so much reading I can do. In order to master this spell, I must practice casting it.
