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I find myself sitting at my parents’ graves. I haven’t been here since I buried my mom.

“I feel like I’ve failed you,” I speak to the gravestone.

“He loved you and your mother very much.”

Walking up to me is Nicoli Rossi. He has more gray than black hair. He walks casually toward me in his three-piece suit. Nicoli has this aura that demands attention. It makes me sick knowing this man makes a living off hurting other people. I’m amazed that Aria still has a human side to her.

“How would you know? You executed him,” I sneer. I feel for my gun to remember I don’t have one on me. Looking around, there are just the two of us around. I refuse to cower. My molars grind, knowing my father isn’t here today because of him.

“He was a hothead like you. He reacted before he would think.”

“You didn’t know him,” I snap, standing up to look him in the eye.

Nicoli gives me a sad smile I want to rip from his face. “Did you know he had terminal cancer?”

I broaden my stance, crossing my arms. “No, he didn’t.”

“He also had no life insurance, other than what the station had set up for them. If he was killed on duty, the payment was triple of what he would’ve received.”

I watch him more carefully. “How would you know this?”

“He told me, right before he asked me to kill him.”

“You’re lying.” My father would never leave me or my mother. If he had cancer, we could have beaten it. There is always another way.

“I want to give you the option. Join me. I could use a man like you.” My heart leaps with the prospect of being with Aria, but I quickly push it down. It’s because I love her I can’t agree. I can’t be dreaming of murdering the man in front of me and know I would attempt to take his life, while working for him and loving his daughter. Despite my love for Aria, I can’t stop my ingrained hate for what they represent.

“We both know it goes against everything I believe in.” If I join him, every man I’ve ever placed in jail would be let loose. It would undo everything I have worked for. I watch the dominance he exudes and mimic him.

He tilts his head understandingly. “I should be thanking you for your part in Marco’s arrest then. He and Aria will be married soon.” Instead of me stabbing him in the heart, his words make me bleed. The pain is almost enough to reconsider his proposal.

He leers at me as if knowing he’s getting under my skin. My hand makes a fist; my heart forgets that we said goodbye to Aria. Breathing through my nose, I push down all my memories of her. I focus on Nicoli killing my father and how I will ruin him, how he ruined me.

“You must be proud,” I say, placing my hand on the cold tomb to keep myself upright. Within minutes, Nicoli Rossi has stripped me of power. I feel sick to my stomach. He’s a man who would say anything to get what he wants. Men like him can’t be trusted. But he doesn’t look to be lying about anything.

“You’ll be marriedin a month,” my father informs me while we’re sitting in his office.

Calmly, even though my heart is pounding, I put down my tablet where I was taking notes. My chest is still aching from Theo, and I’m hanging on by a thread. I haven’t slept in over twenty-four hours, and all I’ve done is work. It’s the only time my brain will shut off and allow me time to think of anything other than Theo.

“I will not marry Marco. I would rather you place a gun to my head.” I keep my voice from rising, even though all I want to do is yell.

“Is there someone else?” he asks.

The last thing I need him to learn is how I have fallen for a cop.

“Katrina has a drug problem,” I deflect.

He eyes me. “I heard the dealer was dealt with. Would you like to give me your version?”

“I was there when he was shot and killed.”

My father goes over to his liquor cart and pours both him and me a glass. I take a sip, welcoming its burn. “I know you’re in love with Theo Fox, Aria.”

My mouth gapes open, and the small sip I took wants to revolt and leave my body.

My father continues, “He’s a loose end that needs to be dealt with. For that, I am sorry. I hate seeing you hurt like this. He had his chance to join us. To choose you. In the end, your love isn’t strong enough.”

I want to scream. How did he find out? My mouth is parched as I sit dumbfounded.
