Page 11 of Summer Chances

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Baxter is fiddling with his finger guard and tilts his head to me. “Have you ever done this before?” he asks in a low voice not meant to be overheard.

I pause in strapping my arm guard on. “Actually, yes. I was a member of 4-H when I was growing up and archery was part of it.”

His brows pinch low over his nose. “4-H?”

My mouth drops open. “You really don’t know what 4-H is?”

“Should I? It’s not just an Indiana thing?”

It hits me that there’s so much we don’t know about each other and sadly we only have three days left of my vacation to find out. Which means I need to make the most of every single moment with him. “Where are you from?”

“I live in LA, currently. My parents are in New York and that’s where I grew up.”

Hmmm… that explains the odd accent. East coast meets west coast. “And you didn’t have 4-H in New York?”

Georgia snaps her fingers, reminding me we’re not alone. “I knew you looked familiar!” she cries out, her eyes almost as wide as her grin. “You’re Baxter McDaniels!”

Baxter flashes a tight smile at the activities director. “Yes.”

“I love your movies,” Georgia enthuses, removing the arm guard from Baxter’s left arm and placing it on his right. “Bow arm gets the guard.”

“Thank you,” he replies, his gaze fixed on the black plastic guard.

Georgia moves off to fiddle with the huge targets, leaving us alone once more.

My heart is pounding painfully in my chest as I stare at the beautiful man that I once likened to a movie star. Seems I’m far more perceptive than I ever thought. Shame that didn’t help me figure out sooner than my two best friends in the world would be doing each other behind my back, in my bed, on my kitchen counter… “Are you a movie star?” I ask, ashamed of how my voice trembles.

“No,” he says shortly. “I’m a director.”

I’m not too sure how that all works, but I’m fairly certain a director ranks right up there with the stars.

A wild chuckle sticks in my throat. And I really thought this man was interested in me? I’m so stupid. Poor guy felt sorry for me and maybe he was bored and…

“Please don’t see me any differently,” Baxter whispers, stepping closer to me, his blue eyes searching mine.
