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Damn, the sight of her always had his heart pounding out of his chest. She was so beautiful and so amazing. He didn’t deserve her, but he was ready to spend the rest of his life trying.

“What’s this?” he asked, taking it from her and kissing her as chastely as possible with Marissa watching.

“A new system for the boardroom for virtual meetings with clients,” she said.

He laughed as he shook his head. “You’re really going to bring me into this century, huh?”

“That’s the plan. After all, I did it with the B&B.Wedid it with the B&B, so anything’s possible,” she said.

He set the box down and wrapped one arm around her, leaving a gap for Marissa to join in the group hug. “So, we’ll do all of this…together?”

“Together,” Marissa and Sarah agreed.

Marissa nudged him, and he glanced down at her wide-eyed, eager expression.Ask her, she mouthed.

Wes’s heart beat out of his chest, and his palms were immediately sweaty as he took a deep breath. Marissa was right. Now was the perfect time.

He reached into his pocket and took out a tiny box, the local jewelry store logo visible on top. He’d been carrying it around for a week, waiting for the right time. A month seemed fast, but they’d known each other their entire lives. And why put off what they both wanted? He loved her, and he could feel her love for him and Marissa every day.

Sarah’s mouth dropped as he slowly got down on one knee.

Beside him, Marissa could barely contain her excitement, ready to burst out of her skin any moment. If he didn’t ask quickly, his daughter would take over the proposal herself.

“Sarah, I’m in love with you. I can’t imagine my life—ourlife”—he smiled at Marissa—“without you in it. Will you make us the luckiest family ever and be my wife and Marissa’s stepmom?” he asked, swallowing back his own emotions.

Tears welled in Sarah’s eyes as she glanced back and forth between them. She nodded quickly. “Yes! Yes. A million times yes,” she said over a strangled-sounding laugh.

Wes stood and took her hand in his shaking one. He gently slid the engagement ring on her finger and kissed her softly.

Marissa clapped and hollered as she watched on.

“Really?” Sarah asked, the look of surprise still on her beautiful face. “We’re really going to do this?”

Wes nodded. “The three of us forever.” He kissed her again. “So make sure you leave a date open at that busy B&B of yours for the wedding.”

Sarah smiled. “Any date you want.”

He’d marry her that minute if he could. “I love you, Sarah.”

“I love you,” she said. “And I love you,” she said to Marissa.

Opening his arms once more, Wes held the two most important people in his life tight as he released a deep, satisfied sigh. The best things in life really did happen when you least expected them.
