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Callie was breakingthrough his shields. He had tried to keep her at a distance, but she had made some progress. His charm was slipping and he was starting to show her the real Earl of Goodland. Should she push him some more? What could she do or say to further their conversation?

“Do you attend the theater often?”

“Not for the plays…” His voice trailed off. “My apologies that was inappropriate to say.”

She lifted a brow. “Were you implying that you visited your mistress when you attended the theater?” She held back a smile. “If so, then yes, it was quite inappropriate.”

“I don’t have mistresses,” he interjected.

No, he wouldn’t have just one woman. All the rumors surrounding the scandalous gentlemen suggested they each had several lovers. She would have liked to turn a deaf ear to some of the gossip surrounding them. Especially as much of the information involved her own brother. She inwardly shuddered. Thankfully Daniel had married and those sort of rumors were now a thing of the past. “Lover then,” she replied. “The descriptive word matters not though. The outcome or intent was still the same…or am I wrong in that assumption.”

He cleared his throat. “This is not a proper conversation for us to have.”

“Proper conversations are boring,” she complained. “We should discuss something far more interesting.”

He stared at her as if she’d grown a second head or had lost her mind. Either one would have been horrid. Callie almost snorted at the sheer shock on his face. “My lovers or lack there of is not a topic I will ever discuss with you.”

“So what you’re telling me is that you don’t currently have any.” She smirked. “How do you feel about that?”

Callie might one day burn in hell for the way she was pushing his buttons. She refused to give in though. He needed to be poked and often to talk and be more sociable. Lord Goodland hadn’t yet stood and left her alone though. She couldn’t have offended him that much.

“Why are you interested in my lovers?” He narrowed his gaze. “Are you hoping to join me in a little tryst?” There was heat in his gaze. Lord Goodland might be trying to scare her into silence, but he’d soon find out that his actions would not work on her.

“Not yet,” she replied in a nonchalant tone. “Perhaps in a few years after I’ve settled into marriage and given my husband his heirs.” She met his gaze and smiled wantonly. “If you’re willing to wait that long to have me.”

“The suggestion being if I choose to I could have you sooner?” His expression went blank as he stared at her. His eyes told a different story though. The viscount couldn’t seem to tear his gaze off of her. She had intrigue him. She would bet everything she owned on that.

“Anything is possible, my lord,” she said huskily. “I would not assume what the future may or may not hold.” She licked her lips. “I’d hate to make a fool out of myself with those sort of declarations.”

Lord Goodland was staring at her lips. Was he thinking about kissing her? She wanted him to kiss her and could almost imagine how his lips might feel on hers. Heat filled her belly and need pooled at her center. She couldn’t push for that desired kiss, but she could do her best to let him know she wanted it without saying a word. She glanced at his lips, then met his gaze. Callie allowed the heat that she felt in her core to shine through. There was no ice in her soul. She had enough faith for the both of them. Her future would involve him. She just had to make him realize that.

He leaned his head down. Their breaths mingled and she thought for a moment that he would give in and press his lips to hers. Her stomach started to flutter with excitement. This was really happening… Just a little bit lower and she would finally know what a real kiss was like.

The viscount didn’t close the distance as she had hoped. Instead he lifted his hand and caressed her cheek. He lifted his head and stared into her eyes. Her heart skipped a beat. There was so much raw emotion in his gaze and if it were possible she’d have melted at his feet. Not from desire, but from the pain that echoed through it. There was so much hurt there. All she wanted to do was wrap her arms around him and protect him from all that agony. What had happened to him?

“Lady Calliope…”

“Callie,” she said softly. “We’re friends aren’t we?” He nodded. “Call me Callie.”

“Callie…” His voice broke as he said her name. “There’s nothing I would like more than to be the man you deserve.”

What was she supposed to say to that? “Why can’t you be?”

“It’s too late to save me.” He smiled but it didn’t reach his eyes. That pain was still too raw in them. “But I can save you.”

“I don’t need your protection,” she said in a hard tone. “Not from you or anyone else.” Callie was so damn mad. She had never wanted to shake anyone until they saw reason before. “Don’t act as if you don’t feel something for me.”

“What I feel doesn’t matter.” He frowned. “It’s irrelevant here. What matters is you, and I need to stop this before it takes a turn we will both regret.”

“I have no regrets,” she said in a firm tone. Callie had to make him understand… “Don’t do this or you will.”

He stood. “I wish we could continue to be friends,” he said. “But this has to end now. It’s for the best.” Lord Goodland walked to the exit of the box. “I’ll find Lord Hampstead and ensure he returns for you.” There was no charming smile on his face. Nothing comforting or reassuring to make her think he might change his mind. “Trust me, Callie, love,” he said in a husky tone. “You’ll thank me one day.”

She would never thank him for this and if he thought this was the end, he was wrong. Callie had only begun to battle for his heart. She didn’t watch him leave. That would be admitting defeat. Instead she turned her attention to the stage and the actors starting the first act. Tomorrow she’d rethink her strategy.
