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"I will not let all our hard work go to ruin. The House of Durand will stand, or so help me God, I will see it all burn to ash."

With those words, Wynn left, going back to his seat and leaving me in a false peace. I opened my computer back up, but I didn't have the energy to even pretend to be working. Instead, I leaned my head back and closed my eyes.

Behind my lids was the memory of Piper. Her face as she cried out for me. The brush of her lips against mine. The taste of her on my tongue. It wasn't something I would easily forget any time soon, no matter how much I wanted to.

My eyes weren’t closed long when the back door opened. Even through my eyelids, I could see her, feel her, a beacon of light that moved through the plane and came so close that I could touch her, but I refrained.

Piper's presence stopped at the end of my aisle. I could feel her hesitance, the insecurity rushing through her. Still, I kept my eyes closed. The disappointment and confusion that filled her almost made me give in, but I didn't. If anyone were paying attention to me, they'd see my hands tightening on the armrests of my chair.

I waited until she moved further down the aisle and sat next to Wynn before opening my eyes to slits, just enough to see the top of her head in her chair. I ached to see more, but then my view was obstructed by Darren, staring down at me with disapproval and pity.

I snapped my eyes to the side, giving up the gig that I was sleeping. Without asking permission, Darren took the seat next to me and just sat there. He didn't say anything the rest of the plane ride, even as my brother Wynn consoled Piper by calling me all manner of names. Darren was just there for me like he always has been, and I knew always would.

"Please put your seats back to an upright position. We will be landing shortly," the stewardess announced before walking the length of the plane to make landing preparations.

Seattle, Washington was cold and rainy. They had more dark days than sunny ones. That fact along made it the perfect home for one of the largest vampire nests in the United States. I didn't particularly care for the weather, being wet had never been something I enjoyed, but the obscured sun allowed us to walk off the plane and into the afternoon air without the worry of being burned to a crisp. There was enough cloud cover that we could walk through the open airfield and then into the limo waiting for us.

This time Piper didn't sit in the front seat. She climbed into the back, giving me a curious look before she took the seat next to Rayne. He took her hand and wrapped an arm around her shoulders.

Jealousy flared inside of me, but I pushed it down, happy that our bond of emotions was only one way. I needed to be able to put on the mask that I hadn't worn in years, and I couldn't do that if Piper kept getting in the way.

No, she'd have to wait until we were safe to get her answers. I hadn't been lying when I said I wouldn't let anything jeopardize our house. Not even her. Not even me.

"Master Durand," Darren lowered the window between us and glanced back from the passenger seat a few moments later, "we've arrived."

Piper's heartbeat jumped in her chest, and she twisted in her seat to stare out the window at the expansive mansion. I didn't need to see it to know what she saw. I used to live here, and it was all the same, even after all these years. It was a gorgeous landscape with awe-inspiring architecture meant to put you at ease before you realized that the spider's lair was real, and you just walked into its web.

I adjusted my suit jacket and scanned the limo. As I put my best authoritative tone in my voice, I asked, "Well, brothers, are you ready for this?"
