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Piper shook her head. “I don't know. I don't know. I've been seeing a midwife.”

The nurse sighed impatiently. “She should at least given you an approximate due date. Do any of them know what it could be?”

“Unfortunately,” Antoine spoke up, “we have not been able to be around during this time. She was being helped by a private company.”

The nurse gave us an incredulous look before pulling up a tablet to type something in. “I need one of you to fill out some paperwork. Which one of you can fill out paperwork for her?”

Antoine stepped before her, taking the tablet. “I can handle this. Piper I'll be just outside.”

“Yes, okay. Okay. Fine.”

“And the rest of them?” the nurse cast a look at the other guys in the room. “Do you want them to wait in the other room as well?”

I stepped up next to Piper's side, grasping her hand in mine. “I'm not going anywhere.”

“Well, that's not up to you. That's up to the mother. Who are you comfortable with having in the room?” The nurse asked once more.

Piper groaned and rolled her eyes. “They've all seen me naked. I don't fucking care.”

The nurse seemed startled but kept her mouth smartly shut.

A moment later and a short balding older man came in adjusting his glasses on his face. “And what do we have here?”

The nurse brought the doctor up-to-date and he stepped forward to examine Piper. “I'm going to apply a little pressure here. Just want to see how far along you are... oh your cervix is good and softened. I'd say you're about at five so far.”

“So, it's time? I can push?” Piper cried out, the hope in her voice making me want to hug her.

The doctor chuckled. “No, not quite yet. You must get to a ten before you can start pushing. And you say her water already broke?”

“Yes,” Piper groaned. “It broke everywhere. It was all over the bodies, blood everywhere.”

“What?” the doctor asked, concern covering his face. “Blood? There shouldn’t be any blood.”

“Not my blood,” Piper corrected with a sneer.

“Okay,” the doctor glanced at us and I shrugged. “Well, I’d say that you’re right on time. Your midwife must have been mistaken because I would not say you are in your seventh month.” He paused and turned to the nurse. “I'm going to turn things over to the nurse here so she can get you set up with an IV and were you thinking about having an epidural?”

Piper started to answer and I squeezed her hand, leaning down and whispered, “I don’t think that’s a good idea. It won’t work. You heal too fast. It’ll push it out before you can even get ready to push.”

Piper glared at me and then to the doctor, spitting out, “No. I’m good. I want to do it naturally.”

“Are you sure?” The doctor arched a brow at me as if he knew that I was the reason why she had said no and then went back to Piper.

“Yes, I am sure.” She forced a smile.

Thankfully, just then Marcus rushed into the room his shirt ripped and blood splattered across his face.

“Oh, thank God,” Piper cried out, “you’re okay!”

“Excuse me, sir. Are you hurt? Please let one of the nurses check you out,” the doctor tried to keep Marcus from coming closer to Piper.

“I'm fine,” Marcus pinched out, all his focus on Piper.

“Very well, I'm going to put some of your information in the computer,” the doctor sighed and started for the door. “I will be back in a moment.” He glanced around the room and I could hear the buzzing of his brain trying to figure out the situation.

“What about Darren?” Piper asked again. “Have we heard from Darren? Is he coming?”

“I'm sure he’ll be here and we can ask Antoine when he comes back,” Allister reassured her from a distance, he and Drake seemed a little out of their element in the delivery room.
