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“Ah. There’s a word: challenge. Challenge is only our perception of the level of difficulty.”

Rita gave Luna a quizzical look.

“It’s a matter of perspective. If you believe something is out of reach, then it will be. Take tennis, for example. You look at Serena Williams and say, ‘I could never do that.’ But at some point in her life, she told herself she could. I’m not saying that wishing makes it so, but if you put limiting ideas in your head, you will be limited. If you think positively, anything can happen.” Luna patted Rita’s hand. “Take five minutes. Set your watch, clock, phone. Pick a time of day. Even if it’s the first thing you do when you get in your car at the end of the day. Before you turn on the ignition, sit back, close your eyes, and breathe in deeply. Exhale slowly. Do it ten times. Then start your car. It’s amazing what you can shed from the day’s work and stress just by tuning out for a couple of minutes.” Luna was about to write down a few words on the sketch pad. That was when she realized she hadn’t drawn anything when she was talking to Rita. She was drawing a blank. Maybe she was psychically fatigued. It was possible. It takes a lot of one’s personal energy to decipher someone else’s. She blinked a few times and began to write:Prosperity comes to me easily and effortlessly: physically, mentally, spiritually, emotionally, financially, and in all my relationships.

She tore off the page and handed it to Rita. “Read this as soon as you get out of bed, when you leave work, and before you go to sleep. It will help you focus and put positive affirmations in your conscious mind and your subconscious.”

“This is great. It will be enormously helpful. You are right. I need to do this. Thanks for the quick lesson.”

“It’s also called self-care. Too often people confuse self-care with selfish. ‘Put your oxygen mask on first.’” Luna parroted a flight attendant’s instructions.

They both laughed. “I wish I could tell you more about your friend. You said you have a photo?”


“OK. Next time we get together, bring it along. Maybe I can pick up some vibes from it. But meantime, the idea that she has been on your mind may mean she’s thinking about you, too. Send out good thoughts. You never know where they will land.”

Rita grabbed Luna’s hand. “Thank you. I feel much better now. What do I owe you?”

“What do you mean?” Luna furrowed her brow.

“For the reading.”

“I didn’t do anything.” Luna made a frowny face.

“Not true. You reminded me that I need to give myself more oxygen.” Rita smiled. “I’ve gotta run. My daughter has a cooking class and is insisting I be her guinea pig.”

“I’m sure it will be delicious. It’s in her DNA.”

Luna walked Rita to the door.

“Thanks again, Luna. I owe you a caprese!”

“You’ve got a deal!” Luna waved, then dashed to where she had placed her earlier drawing and bolted into Cullen’s showroom.

“Do you remember where I put that drawing I did about the trunk?” She was almost out of breath.

“It’s on the worktable.” Cullen’s eyes followed his sister as she bounded toward the workshop in the back. Then he heard her squeal. He ran in to see if she was OK.

“What’s wrong?” He looked concerned.

“Check this out.” She flattened the two drawings on the table side by side. They stood in silence, comparing them.

“So, wait.” Cullen raised an eyebrow. “The one on the right is the first one you drew. Where did the second one come from?”

“Today. A woman who I had never met came to me. She’s having marital problems.”

Cullen stared at the two charcoal drawings. “The one on the right is flames with a little boy. The one on the left is flames with two people slightly taller than the little boy who is also in the same drawing. That’s strange, even for you.”

“Right? They must be connected somehow.” Luna’s mind was spinning.

“Not necessarily. You had the diary with you. Maybe some of the energy jumped the psychic fence?” Cullen wasn’t being facetious. Just his own way of dealing with the curiosity.

“I dunno, Cul. I have an odd feeling about this.”

“Odd? You?” Cullen chuckled.

She gave him a slight smack on the arm with the back of her hand. “Hey, be nice. Odd as in some kind of complexity.”

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