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“Yes. From the same place where you got the big sandwich you are eating.” Cullen smiled.

“Oh, then I most definitely must come back!” Abeo was grinning again.

“I will introduce you to several other artists before I leave. This way you will have people to talk to.”

“Excellent idea. I bet Jennine would love to meet your brother.” Cullen was referring to the pottery artist who was the epitome of Blanche fromThe Golden Girls.

Chi-Chi laughed out loud.

“What is so funny?” Abeo gave her a look.

“Jennine is what they call a handful,” Cullen added. “She’sveryfriendly.”

“Yes.Very,” Chi-Chi noted.

“Then I would be very happy to meet her,” Abeo said innocently. He had never seen the television show and wouldn’t understand even if they tried to explain.

Chi-Chi bit her lip. One thing was for certain—Abeo would be very busy fending off the overtures that would certainly be coming from Jennine.

“Then I shall introduce you to her now.” Chi-Chi began to gather the paper wrappers from the sandwiches and the empty bottles of water. “Come.” She gave Cullen a look and shook her head.

Cullen also tried to restrain his amusement at what was in store for Chi-Chi’s brother. “Nice meeting you, Abeo. Enjoy your day.”

Chi-Chi was relieved the subject of dinner did not come up. However, she also realized that Abeo would see Cullen when he came to pick her up, unless she could get Abeo to stay at the center for the duration of the afternoon into the evening. The two walked toward Clay-More, the pottery stall. Jennine was wearing a wild-looking chiffon outfit. Chi-Chi wasn’t sure if it was supposed to be lingerie or not.

“Jennine, this is my brother, Abeo. He brought me wonderful stones from Nigeria.”

“Well, hello there, big guy.” Jennine did not disappoint. She immediately looped her arm through his. The woman had no shame and the twenty-plus-year discrepancy in their ages made not one lick of difference to her.

Abeo became immobilized. His usual outgoing demeanor deserted him. “How do you do,” he replied politely. He gave his sister a frightened look, as Chi-Chi suppressed a grin.

“I doverywell. And you?” Jennine was clinging to his arm as if it were a life raft fromTitanic.

For the first time Chi-Chi could recall, Abeo had a look of abject fear in his eyes, while Chi-Chi’s were filling up with tears of laughter.

“I . . . I am doing well, too.” Abeo tried to disengage the death grip Jennine had on his arm, but she wasn’t letting go.

“How long will you be in town?” Jennine asked demurely.

Abeo’s first instinct was to say, “Not very long,” and try to escape, but he smiled calmly, and said, “I will be here until Monday.”

Chi-Chi could not help adding fuel to this little campfire. “Abeo is interested in attending the music ensemble this evening, but I am not available. Would you mind showing him around and keeping him company?”

She thought Abeo was going to faint.

“I would be delighted.” She patted his arm. “I will take good care of him. Who will be minding your shop?”

“Alex. He finishes his doggie work at five. Ellie decided to close the dog park for the evening, and he was happy to oblige.”

“Ah. Alex. He’s a cutie-pie,” Jennine said, her voice indicating just how man-crazy she was.

Abeo’s eyes grew wider. He was beginning to think he had made a big mistake trying to surprise his sister. Now she was surprising him by letting this desperate woman take charge.

“So, Abeo, I will come fetch you around five. We can have some wine and get to know each other. The music starts at six.”

Chi-Chi was tickled pink. Problem solved. Abeo would not be at her house when Cullen came to pick her up. She would deal with his ire later. After all, Abeo was a grown man approaching his fortieth birthday. Who knows? He might actually enjoy himself.

“Come. We need to get back to the shop.” Chi-Chi pried her brother’s arm from Jennine’s and put it through hers.

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