Page 16 of Bred By The Bad Boy

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Shaking my head, I stare at the five other positive pregnancy tests. Has this man ever set his mind to something he didn’t achieve?

What a fucking asshole, knocking me up then conveniently taking off for a world tour. I would kill him if he were here.

If he was here, you would nestle into his chest, cover him in kisses and decide together of the best course of action.A traitorous voice says in my head.Shut up, voice of reason. I really don’t have time for your shit right now.

I pull my phone and dial Malik. My call goes directly to voicemail. I start typing a message but then think better of it.What would such a message even say?

‘Yay, we’re about to receive a visit from the storks!’ or ‘guess who’s gonna be a daddy?’

Just no.


I think I’m starting to show a little. My sister, Cathy, shook her head when I told her, but I know. With his daddy’s genes, this baby about to be a giant, so I’m not surprised by the faintest added swell to my belly.

I’m three weeks pregnant, and since that single call the first week, he was gone. I haven’t heard from Malik. I call several times. Texted. No response. Nada.

Seems I was right to not completely buy into the fairy tale. But it’s okay. I had an amazing time. a time I will always cherish. And he left me the best farewell gift. I run my hand over my belly, smiling wistfully. It was a beautiful dream. A fantasy. And escapade from real life.

Malik ford isn’t for the likes of me. One day, he will find the right woman for him and settle. That day or that woman were just not here yet.

But in the meantime, I’m waiting for his return. I’ve driven by his beach house a few times. Hopeful for the day when I see a car parked in front. I just want to have this conversation and get it over with. Give him the news about my pregnancy and make him understand I don’t expect anything from him. All I want is for Malik to know his child is growing in my belly, and for my future baby to get a chance to have his dad in his life.

Later that same evening, I’m about to turn off the TV after the local news when the announcement for one of those gossip shows comes up. And no other than Malik Ford fills the screen!Shit, he’s beautiful. Larger than life. On the red carpet of some charity event in L.A., a gorgeous brunette on his arm.

Oh wow, he’s back in California…is the first thought that crosses my mind.I wonder if he even listened to my voicemails, read my ‘call me ASAP’ texts. But more than that, I want to know what happened to ‘I want you to move into my house’.

I watch with morbid fascination Malik’s arm wrapped around the woman’s back. The amazing way he wears a tux. Like everything else about him. Her flawlessly tasteful outfit. How well suited they look together. Him, tall, broad and mind-blowingly handsome. Her, all long, shapely legs, golden tan and dark glossy hair swept over a delicate shoulder left bare by her gorgeous strapless gown.

The journalist shares the history between Malik and the beautiful woman, some European actress. They dated a few years back and are being seen together for the first time since their break-up. Apparently, they’re each other’s ‘one-that-got-away’, and everyone is thrilled by their reconciliation.

Well, not exactly everyone. There’s a very miserable pregnant woman sitting in front of her television screen sobbing with all her heart. It’s funny how I convinced myself I was over him. That I accepted it was all a game for him. Funny how I lied to myself about the grain of hope still shining brightly in my heart. Well, that just got crushed. Under Mister Ford’s tailor-made Italian loafers.



“You know I’m about to fire your ass, right?” I ask my right-hand man, Kofi.

As always, his expression remains stoic.

“I can’t procure a private citizen’s personal phone number, Mister Ford. Now, if you had backed up your data when your phone prompted you to do so…”

“No, I’m just gonna beat the shit out of you and call it a day.”

The faintest of grins quirks one corner of his mouth, but it only lasts a second. His serious expression returns.

“Three weeks is nothing in the grand scheme of things. You’re back home now. It’ll be easier to find her without breaking any privacy laws.”

“I wasn’t asking you to break any laws. She initially gave me her number. I was just trying to get back something I lost.”

Kofi rolls his eyes.

“You didn’t lose it. You failed to take proper care of the device where it was stored. I wonder what that says about your dedication to her,” he adds under his breath.

“That says I’m a moron who’s been beating himself for weeks. I just hope she hears me out and forgives me.”

The mask of blankness falls back on Kofi’s face. He doesn’t think I’m serious about Lisa. He thinks the phone issue was just a way for my subconscious to sabotage the relationship. And I normally would agree with him. But when it comes to her, to us? I have no doubt.
