Page 62 of Daddy Commands

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His movements became slow, purposeful. He squeezed her ass, tugged in her lower back.

‘You’ve got me forever,’ he said. And with a low, building moan, she felt his cock explode in her — a torrent of love to mark her as his, to claim her.

As they lay there, hearts beating as one, Sophia felt it — the peace of safety, the bliss of love.


‘So, do you feel any different?’ Wolf bit into the shiny red apple and grinned at Sophia.

‘That’s, like, the most annoying question ever,’ she replied, trying her best not to smile.

‘Come on!’ Wolf said, chewing. ‘You can’t lose your virginity and then not talk about it with me after!’

‘Fine,’ she said, picking an apple for herself out of the fruit bowl — yes, she’d convinced a dirty, scary biker to invest in a fruit bowl. ‘Well actually, yes, if you must know I feel very, very different.’

‘Oh, do you now?’

It was still early, and the buzz of the New York traffic was still at hum levels rather than its usual chainsaw timbre.

‘I do, yes,’ she said, in a very shaky intimidation of a posh British accent. ‘I’m much more aware of the fripperies and follies of other folk. I’m as wise as an owl, now. In fact, I’d say my IQ has gone up quite a few points overnight.’

‘That’s what a regular semen injection’ll do for ya,’ Wolf said with a wicked grin.

‘Ugh, what an uncouth thing to say. I can scarce believe that I let such a rogue deposit his seed in my most sacred garden.’

Before she could finish the sentence, though, Wolf was right next to her, apple forgotten on the kitchen table. ‘Rogue, eh? Well, this rogue’s got quite a hunger for well-spoken sluts.’

‘Is that what I am?’ Sophia giggled, switching back to her normal, much-less fancy Boston accent.

‘You’re every woman that’s ever lived,’ he said, giving her a playful nip on the neck.

Sophia felt her body respond to him. She was like a dog, salivating at a tender steak. Except her steak was a hell of lot more alive and demanding than a T-bone.

As Wolf kissed her again, she almost melted into his tight, warm embrace. Damn, this was so easy. She was gonna go from a lifelong virgin to a sex-fiend in no time.

Unfortunately for her, a sharp rap on the door paused those plans.

‘Maybe we can ignore that?’ Wolf said, his mouth still pushed into the smooth skin of her neck, still hungrily kissing.

‘Yes please,’ she said.

‘Maybe they’ll go away.’

‘Almost definitely.’

‘It’s probably just a salesman,’ he said, slipping his hands under her waistband, squeezing her ass.

‘Or someone who’s lost.’

The knocking at the door did not go away. And soon, it was joined by shouting.

‘Wolf! Open up. Time to roll out.’

Wolf sighed. ‘Fucksake. We’ll pick this up later.’

But as he headed down to open the door, she had this awful feeling that they wouldn’t.

