Page 8 of Please Daddy

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There’s a porch swing on the deck, built with my own bare hands, out of cedar. It’s a little hard, without any cushions, but I don’t mind it like that. Addison walks up to it and takes a seat.

I can’t help wondering how her plump, juicy little ass feels as it sets itself down on the hard wood. Probably that thick ass is cushioned enough not to feel the hardness.

I shake my head. I need to stop thinking like this. Addison is amission. A job. I’m here to protect her. Not fuck her. Not be her Daddy. Much as I’d like to flip the girl over on that porch swing right now and make that wooden frame rock like it’s never rocked before.

Damn, it’s been a long time since I’ve had a woman. And I’ve never had a woman like her come to visit me out here in the woods. Something about seeing someone as pretty as her in a place like this turns you into ananimal, just like the rest of the creatures in this forest. I’m not a man around her here. I’m abear. ADaddy bear.

I take a seat on the wooden chair on the other side of the decking. No way I’m sitting on the swing next to her.

‘Listen, darlin’,’ I say. ‘I know this must be strange for you, turning up and finding, well, me.’

Addison looks at me, brow furrowed. ‘Whoareyou? And how do you know my sister?’

‘I’m a friend,’ I say. ‘Violet and I met out here a couple years back.’

‘Violet was outhere?’ Addison asks. ‘I mean, I guess shedidseem to know what the route was like when she was telling me how to get here. But…why?’

Explaining this part to Addison is easy. It’s everything that’ll have to come after this that I’m dreading. ‘She was doing what she does. You know, looking at plants. Some investigation into the Bigtooth Maple, and how well it tolerates drought. I don’t know. You’d have to ask her about that. She’d come out here to study the trees for a month. All on her lonesome. Just a tent and a clipboard for company.’

Addison can’t help herself from giggling. Her laugh is sweeter than birdsong. ‘That sounds like Violet!’

‘Well, I happened to spot her one day, wandering around the forest, making notes, completely lost in her work, about to stumble on a very cozy family home — the inhabitants of which were one extremely protective Momma Bear, and three black bear cubs.’

Addison’s hand flies up to her mouth.

‘It’s okay. She wasn’t hurt. I scared off the bears, and told her she probably shouldn’t be camping out in this area without adequate protection.’

Addison narrows her eyes at me. I can practically see the questions flying around behind her eyeballs. ‘So… you offered herprotection?’

I can see what she’s getting at. ‘Your sister’s a handsome lady, Addison, but she’s not my type.’ I pause. I’m hardly going to tell the girl on my porch swing what my type is, am I? Not when it feels like she’sexactlyit. ‘And I’m not the type to take advantage of a woman in a vulnerable situation, either,’ I continue. ‘I offered her a place to stay, until her investigations were over, and thankfully, she took me up on it.’

‘It’s lucky you were there to help her… and you just happened to spot her at the crucial moment. It’s almost…too muchof a coincidence.’

Dammit, this girl is smart. I’m going to have one helluva job keeping anything from her. As long as she doesn’t find out about this raging hard-on I’ve got for her right now, at least that’s a start.

‘I’m a fire-watcher,’ I explain. ‘It’s my job to survey the area. Anything goes on in this forest, I’m the first one who’ll know about it.’

Addison nods, as if recalling something. ‘Oh yeah, I read an article about fire-watchers once. Doesn’t that mean you sit in a watchtower all day long, looking for smoke?’

My turn to nod now. ‘Something like that.’

‘And damsels in distress,’ Addison adds, with a smile.

‘Yeah,’ I say, returning her smile. ‘That too.’

Hell, maybe the next six months won’t besobad. I’ve been dreading having this chick stay with me for so long. I’ve always liked my own space. My privacy. The peace and quiet. But a curvaceous sweetheart with a sense of humor could be a worse guest to have to share my hideaway with.

I mean, sheismy wife, after all.

I hide a wince of pain as this thought crosses my mind. I hate having to lie to this woman. She deserves to know the truth.

At least Violet was the one who tricked her into signing the marriage certificate. That’s the whole reason I went along to her party, to take the paperwork to her. I wanted to bring it in person so it didn’t get intercepted. Hopefully Addison has brought the signed document along with her. Then I can file it away somewhere, like the organized husband I am.

‘Til death do us part.

Violet said she was going to get Addison to sign it by hiding it among a load of other papers about cabin rental. Stuff she just mocked-up using online templates. Addison hates paperwork, apparently. She was unlikely to bother reading the fine print.

Sneaky, but necessary.
