Page 25 of Bronze Dragon

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"Is this really the surprise?" She looked from the large house set back from the road to the sign to her boyfriend, eyes widened.

He just smiled, waiting until she climbed out of the car to text Michael.We’re here. Give us twenty to look around the house.His friends were all getting together at Michael’s, but he wanted them there when he asked her. Lance had even been kind enough to pick up his parents from the airport a little while earlier, or at least, Raf hoped that had gone as planned. He’d specifically asked that none of them text him about it in case Ashley saw the notifications on his phone. He wanted this to actually surprise her.

Rafael hurried to join Ashley as the real estate agent, a middle-aged woman, stepped down the few front steps. The cheery yellow house had a full-width front porch, which had been part of the appeal, even with the extensive backyard setup. "You must be Mr. Brantley," the woman said, extending her hand. "I’m Rita Callahan, we spoke on the phone."

"Nice to meet you, Rita. This is my girlfriend, Ashley. She didn’t know we were coming here, so be prepared for some random questions." He smiled at the agent, but started laughing when Ashley elbowed him in the ribs. The two women shook hands as well, sharing a meaningful glance.

The real estate agent cracked a smile. "Why don’t we just head inside and let the house speak for itself? I imagine you’ll both know fairly quickly if it’s not a good fit."

"What town is this?" Ashley asked, looking between Raf and Rita Callahan.

"Golden," both replied in unison. Rita continued with a few facts about the town’s demographics, including average household income and family sizes. The woman showed them the wide entry hall, roughly central, with two large rooms on either side at the front of the house, then the kitchen and open plan space in the back, as well as two smaller rooms. The upstairs had large rooms that would easily hold their choice of offices, guest rooms, kids’ rooms, and the master suite. It was a nice place, though the location had as much appeal as the empty house.

When they followed Rita back downstairs, she smiled at Raf when movement out back caught her attention. He’d had to warn her ahead of time so she didn’t think anything untoward was going on when a number of people showed up in the backyard. She’d made him swear up and down that he wouldn’t leave any mess.

Ashley looked like she was about to ask something when she caught sight of something outside, too. "Wait, is that Lance and Chas?" she asked, her tone amused.

"It is," Raf agreed. "Thank you, Rita, we’ll be in touch." He opened the door for Ashley to precede him outside; the realtor locked the door behind them and left them to their own devices. "We’re actually down the street from Michael’s place," he told his mate as he followed her out to the grinning group of people. "That’s part of what caught my attention with this house, not to mention the ease of getting away." He nodded at the woods.

Ashley quickly greeted Lance and Chas, whom she’d already met at the club Friday night, while Raf made eye contact with his mother beyond the others and reached into his pocket for the small black velvet box. "Ashley," he murmured, making her turn towards him. He extended one hand to her; she took it. He smiled at her, ignoring his friends and family completely. "We’ve been so happy this weekend now that we’re back together." He drew the box from his pocket, recognizing the instant she caught sight of the movement when her eyes dropped and she gasped. He went down on one knee, still holding her hand and awkwardly opening the box with the other. "Everything I am is yours, my love. I can’t live without you. Please say you’ll do me the honor of becoming my wife."

Ashley’s eyes and mouth were wide for a moment as she stared at the elaborate gold and bronze engagement ring he’d had custom made with a large diamond in a ring of brilliant brown topaz stones. She swallowed audibly in the silence and then nodded, her eyes rising to meet his. "Yes," she gasped, throwing herself at him—he caught her easily—her arms going around his neck as she hit her knees. "Yes!"

"Thank goodness," he murmured, holding her tightly and then kissing her hard.

The sound of applause broke into their impassioned kiss after a few moments, and Ashley blushed as she pulled back. Raf laughed, all his concerns gone for the moment—she’d said yes! He plucked the ring from the box and took her left hand, sliding it onto her ring finger. They both knelt there for a moment, their eyes on their clasped hands and the flash of the golden-brown stones around the diamond. "You’re the center of my world," he murmured. It was why the sapphire ring he’d seen originally had called out to him and why he’d had this made similarly.

"Come on, you two," called Chas. "We can’t start the celebration without you!"

Both laughing, Raf’s eyes met Ashley’s, finding them glowing with so much love he was tempted to sweep her back to his apartment to do something about it. He hopped up and helped her to her feet, instead, and followed the group of people back towards Michael’s back yard where they’d planned a barbecue after opening a couple of bottles of good champagne.

They remained hand in hand all the way to the other yard, and it was only then that Raf directed her attention to a handsome older couple, the pale Middle Eastern woman and the Indian man standing out even if they didn’t look older than their forties or early fifties. "Those are my parents," he told her under his breath. "They wanted to be here to meet you."

Unfortunately, his mother had supremely accurate hearing, and her head turned immediately. She tapped his father on the shoulder before making her way to the newly betrothed couple. "Congratulations, Rafi," his mother said, smiling as she rose on her tiptoes to kiss his cheek—he bent automatically to make it easier on her. "It’s wonderful to meet you, Ashley, I’ve heard such good things about you already."

Ashley’s slightly worried expression melted. "I’m afraid he hasn’t said much about you, but I have a feeling he was trying not to scare me off." Since it was precisely why he hadn’t talked much of his family, Raf looked away.

His eyes came back only to find his mother extending her hand toward Ashley’s stomach. "May I?" There was a definite note of pleading in both her tone and her eyes. His fiancée was kind enough to nod.

His mother’s eyes widened the instant her hand settled on Ashley’s belly. "You’re having twins!" The surprised comment stilled everyone as all eyes turned to the tableau of Raf, Ashley, and his mother, Yasmin.

Raf and Ashley exchanged a shocked look. Ashley found words first. "How… what makes you think that?" It came out a bit strangled, but no less polite to her future mother-in-law.

Rafael moved a step sideways to be behind her, sliding his arms around her to hold her gently. "Mother has always had almost frightening insight. Could it be possible?"

Ashley’s mouth opened and closed a couple times before she answered, glancing back and forth between Raf and his mother. "I suppose anything is possible. The ultrasound photos only show one, but that doesn’t mean it couldn’t have been just an awkward angle or something." Her eyes went back to his mother. "Are you sure?"

His mother’s eyes were teary as she nodded. Her arms opened to Ashley, and his fiancée accepted the hug, still looking shocked. He couldn’t really blame her. He could barely believe it. Twins. Dragons weren’t known for multiple births, so he felt especially blessed. To find out about it on the same day she agreed to marry him felt like the universe was in his corner.

Chas beckoned to him and he reluctantly joined the group of four other dragon shifters he’d known since he moved out here. "Twins!" Chas’ face lit up as he handed Raf a champagne flute and poured for the circle. "Not only the first of us married, but twins! Damn, you’ve got to go making us all look bad, huh?"

The five raised their glasses, clinking them together none-too-gently before drinking. Lance toasted Raf with his glass, smirking. "You know now you’re going to have to answer a really tough question."

"Oh?" Rafael had a feeling Lance was teasing him, but couldn’t tell quite.

Lance’s bright white grin flashed. "Which of your best friends is going to be your best man?" The circle of men erupted in laughter.

Chapter 18 - Rafael
