Page 44 of Dragon Billionaire

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Zeke stared at him; Anna stared at Zeke.

But even with the shock, there was a certain level of acknowledgment, because it made sense. The entire weekend was finally making more sense than it had when their fathers ordered them into their mating bond.

“Go,” Semyon said. “Have your month of making merry. Make a decision, and whatever it is, I promise I’ll respect it. Vasili Kuznetsov is recovering from the immobility spell Misha put on him. The Kuznetsovs are out of the city. You’ve earned whatever it is you want for yourself. Both of you have.”

Anna wished she didn’t need permission to do what made her happy, but truth was that her loyalty had always been to her family, and when Pietr nodded in agreement to Semyon’s statement, she felt the tension she’d carried around with her since Friday slowly lift.


To do as they pleased, go where they pleased.

Zeke’s eyes met hers and she was reminded of the bonding ceremony, of the moment he took her hands in his after lifting her veil.

They had been looking at their future then and here it now was, ahead of them, ready to be shaped into whatever they wanted it to be.

She gave him a smile at the promise of it all. His eyes searched her face for a second before a smile spread across his face as well.

At the promise of it all.

