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His brother, cousins, and their significant others looked at each other then back at him. He knew that he was missing something.

“What?” he asked.

“You called her Vivien,” Gabe explained what apparently, they were all thinking.

“So?” Glenn wasn’t sure why he hadn’t shortened her name. He knew that everyone else called her Viv, but he just thought the name Vivien was beautiful and it suited her.

Not that it mattered what the fuck he called her.

“Nothing,” Gabe shook his head, still looking convinced that there was something going on. He wondered if his brother remembered his affinity for Jessica Rabbit.

Tessa’s eyes narrowed as if she was remembering something and she tilted her head to the side. “Wait, I don’t think she dates guys with kids, right?”

“Oh, that’s right!” Lilly agreed. “I remember her saying that at book club.”

She didn’t date guys with kids, huh? That was news to him. He wondered why that might be.

It couldn’t be because she didn’t like kids. Seeing her at the library it was clear that she did. Plus, she’d been amazing with Bree.

“A lot of women don’t want to deal with baby mamas.” Tessa pointed out.

Glenn didn’t think that was the reason, but he kept his mouth shut. He just couldn’t see Viv being intimidated by another woman. But what in the hell did he know. The very fact that he even had an opinion on the matter was disturbing.

“What about Zoe? How are things with you two?” Lily asked, changing the subject.

Sort of.

“Good. We’re friends and co-parents.”

“It’s really great that you came out here with Bree so she can be closer to her,” Eric stated.

“How are things going over at the gym?” Eric asked. “How does it feel to be back in the ring?”

“I’m not really in the ring, more like in the corner. But it’s good.”

“Have you missed it?” Tessa asked.

Glenn nodded.

“Everyone wash your hands and grab a plate!” Aunt Rosalie announced loudly.

The crowd made their way into the house and Glenn made sure that Bree did as instructed and that she didn’t just fill her plate with garlic bread which was her favorite. After making sure that Bree was settled at the kids’ table, he started to head to the seat next to his brother, but his Aunt Rosalie threaded her arm through his.

“You sit by me.” She patted his arm as she guided him to the other end of the table.

He thought it was a little strange but didn’t think much of it. She saw all of the other people at the dinner all the time, maybe she just wanted to be next to him so they could talk.

It wasn’t until about five minutes into the meal that her true intentions were revealed.

The doorbell rang and Eric stood to answer it. Seconds later he was followed by an attractive woman with long blonde hair, blue eyes, and a wide smile holding a bottle of wine. She appeared to be a little taken aback at what she saw.

She waved to the room at large. “Hi.”

“Jenna!” Aunt Rosalie jumped out of her seat. “I’m so happy you could make it! Do you know everyone?” Jenna looked around the room and waved. Everyone greeted her seeming happy if not a little confused as to what she was doing there.

“Here!” Aunt Rosalie waved her over. “You sit here! I’ll grab you a plate.”

Jenna’s eyes widened. “Oh no, I can’t take your seat.”
