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“Aunt Amy wants to know if you want to go down to the River Rec area with the twins and Scooby,” Glenn passed along the invitation.

“Yes! Yes! Yes!” Bree jumped up and down.

“Go rinse out your bowl and get your shoes on.”

Bree grabbed her empty bowl, rushed to the sink, stepped up on the stool so she could reach the tap, rinsed her bowl, set it in the drying rack then ran into the room and grabbed her shoes.

As she put them on his eyes automatically drifted out the window and over to Vivien’s house. All the windows were open and music was playing from inside. He heard the familiar chords of Otis Redding’s “(Sittin’ on) the Dock of the Bay.” He wondered if she was cleaning, or doing laundry, or reading a book.

He also wondered if she was alone. Had she had another date last night? Had she decided to see the not-so-nice prince doctor again?

From what he’d heard around town, she was a serial dater. She didn’t do long-term relationships. Love ’em and leave ’em was more her style.

Which wasn’t just a red flag, it was a burning flag. If he was going to give into what he was feeling for her, the last thing he wanted it to be was temporary. But that’s all it could be. Even if she wanted a commitment, he was leaving.

“Ready!” Bree yelled as she headed to the door.

As he walked hand in hand with his daughter down the driveway to go to Amy’s house he noticed movement in Vivien’s bedroom out of the corner of his eye. But he didn’t look. He forced himself to keep looking straight ahead.

He was in control of himself. Even if, around her, he didn’t feel like he was.

* * *

Viv lookedaround her room to try and decide what the bait she should set would be. She had approximately one to three hours to seduce Glenn. Scenarios played in her head.

She could throw on a robe, ask him to come over and fix something, then drop the robe and tell him that she had an orgasm she needed him to unclog.

She could show up at his door with a plate of cookies wearing a sundress, then strip out of it and tell him that the cookie she really wanted him to eat was between her legs.

Everything she thought of sounded like the beginning of a bad porno. And she doubted that would really work with Glenn. He didn’t seem like the porno scenario type.

She just needed to talk to him. That was what her play should be. He was an adult man with needs. She was an adult woman with needs. There was an obvious attraction, there was no reason to play games.

But that didn’t mean she couldn’t stack the cards in her favor. If she was going to propose a fling, she might as well be wearing a bikini while doing it.

She grabbed her sexiest bikini, but then put it back in the drawer. She needed to approach this subtly. Shoestrings with tiny triangles were not subtle. Instead, she went with her most modest bathing suit. It was a royal blue two piece that covered a lot of skin but accentuated her cleavage.

After pulling it on she checked her reflection in the mirror as she pulled her hair up in a messy bun on the top of her head. Then she slid her feet into flip-flops.

“When I kiss you…if I kiss you, I’ll mean it,” she repeated under her breath.

I mean, if that wasn’t a challenge she had no idea what was. One she hoped she could meet. She’d been outside talking with Amy when her friendly neighbor got a text from Glenn about Bree coming over to play. The upshot of the situation Amy and Matt were going to be taking the girls down to the river which meant Glenn was off daddy duty for a few hours.

As much as she loved Bree, it would be a hell of a lot easier to seduce someone without a six-year-old in tow.

She had a finite amount of time and she planned on using it to her full advantage.

After one more quick look in the mirror, she adjusted her right boob to get full cleavage action and headed to the front of the house to make sure she hadn’t missed her window of opportunity. When she saw Glenn talking with Matt and Amy in the front yard, she thanked God, her love crystal, the universe, and her mom just to cover all her bases.

Then she ran out the back of the house and grabbed the hose. She filled the plastic pool she’d gotten when Bree mentioned to her that the twins had one and she liked it. People said no good deed goes unpunished, but this good deed was coming in fucking clutch.

She’d just turned off the water and got in the small plastic pool and lounged back when Glenn walked up the driveway. She pretended to be shocked to see him.

“Oh hey! Just the man I wanted to see.” Since he’d used two callbacks when he’d told her that he wanted to box again, she figured she should return the favor. Callbacks created intimacy, like an inside joke, and that was exactly what she was trying to cultivate.

He stayed standing where he was and his jaw clenched. At first glance she thought that he might be in a bad mood and her bikini plan had backfired, but then she noticed the tent in his sweats and she knew that everything was going exactly to plan.

After clearing his throat, he took a few steps toward her and crossed his arms over his chest. The stance was a protective one, but if he thought that closed off body language would protect him from her, he was sadly mistaken.
