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Viv still wasn’t convincedthat this was actually happening as she stared down at her overnight bag. Was she really going on a road trip with Glenn I-don’t-do-casual-if-I-kiss-you-I’ll-mean-it Maguire?

These Maury Povich “are you the father” trips always caused a high level of anxiety for Viv. She never knew if she was going to come face to face with the man who had abandoned not only her, but also her sisters and their mom. Or if it was just going to be another random dude who had nothing to do with her.

Her phone rang and she saw that it was Audrey.

“Hey, Auds, I was going to text you. I’m heading out of town for a couple days. I’m going up to Oregon.”

“Oh, I was just calling to see if you wanted to have dinner tonight.”

“When I get back, let’s do it.”

“Okay, don’t forget to send me the—”

“Address of where I’m staying,” Viv completed Audrey’s sentence. “Got it.”

“Love you.”

“Love you more.” Viv disconnected the call.

She’d almost told her sister that she wasn’t going on the trip alone, that Glenn was accompanying her. But something had held her back. Whatever was or wasn’t happening between herself and The Gladiator felt…different. It felt…personal.

Which was insane. The two of them hadn’t even kissed. He’d made it clear that he wasn’t interested in kissing her and that he didn’t want anything casual. So why did it feel so real?

And why in the hell did a man who didn’t even want to lock lips with her volunteer to drive her to another state?

Her alarm went off and she saw that her thirty minutes were up. She was set to meet Glenn out by his SUV. He’d gone to gas it up and check the oil while she finished getting ready.

She grabbed her overnight and snack bags, checked to make sure all the windows were closed and her back door was locked and went outside to find Glenn standing beside his SUV.

Damn. Why did he have to be so fucking attractive?

His dark brown hair was tousled just enough to look sexy not messy. He was rocking stubble across his square jaw that had Viv imagining what that would feel like between her legs. He wore a plain white T-shirt that accentuated his chiseled arms and upper body and faded blue jeans.

He looked like James Dean and Jason Momoa’s love child. And she was going to be spending the next two days on a road trip with him. A thrill raced through her.

“Ready?” he asked.

“Yep.” She came down the porch and he took her overnight bag from her and then tried to take her snack bag.

“This stays with me. It’s provisions.”

While he put her bag in the back, she climbed into the passenger seat. It felt so strange being in his car. She wasn’t sure why. She’d ridden shotgun in hundreds of people’s cars before and it had never felt this…personal. Everything with Glenn felt personal.

He got in and as he pulled out of the driveway he motioned to her bag. “You brought snacks?”

“Of course, I did. Every road trip needs snacks.”

“What did you bring?”

“I have chocolate chip cookies, Doritos, donut holes—powdered and chocolate, Red Vines, Snickers, peanut M&M’s, pretzels, Ritz crackers, popcorn, Flamin’ Hot Cheetos and, of course trail mix.”

“Why of course?”

“Because you have to have one healthy snack. And before you tell me that trail mix isn’t healthy, I just want to point out in comparison to the other nutritional facts of these snacks, it is.”

He grinned and Viv saw his dimple peek out and say hello. She still couldn’t believe that he had not one, but two dimples. Every time she thought that Glenn couldn’t get any more perfect or sexier, he proved her wrong.
