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She had been backfrom her trip to Oregon for almost a week and she still hadn’t told her sisters that she’d found their dad. Grace had been out of town on a business trip, and she felt like this was something that she needed to tell them all at the same time. Tonight, they would all be together. Grace was driving straight to book club from the airport.

Viv had just stopped by and seen Nonna earlier, and she’d almost spilled the beans, but she managed to keep the news to herself. The only people in the world that knew about her discovery was her and Glenn. She hadn’t seen much of Glenn since the night they came back. As sad as that was, she wondered if it might just be for the best.

After what he explained to her, she couldn’t blame him for his reasons for not wanting to be with someone. He was sacrificing his own needs and desires and putting his daughter first. It was honorable and selfless.

Which made the entire situation even more frustrating.

Why did he have to be the perfect fucking man?

She pulled up to Lily Maguire’s house who was hosting the monthly book club meeting. Viv hadn’t read the book but that wasn’t really a prerequisite for book club. To be honest, Viv wasn’t even sure what book they were supposed to read this month. The gathering was more of a social get together. Some people called it a wine and gossip club, which was more accurate than a book club.

As Viv got out of the car, Eric walked out of the house, wearing his uniform, which he didn’t wear often since being promoted to chief. She knew he was happily married and wasn’t interested in him in the slightest but she wasn’t blind. The man was fine with a capital F and in uniform it turned the sexy scale up to a million.

“Officer Maguire,” Viv saluted him as he walked by.

He stopped just as she walked past him. “Glenn mentioned that he went out of town with you.”

Viv leaned back on her heels and pivoted toward Eric. “Did he?”

That was interesting. She wondered what he had to say about their road trip.

“He did.” Eric nodded and crossed his arms.

She’d always liked Eric and thought he was a good guy. He’d never turned on his cop tone with her before and she thought it was sweet that he was clearly protective of his cousin. His cousin who was a grown man not to mention a world class boxer whose nickname was “The Gladiator.”

She thought his protectiveness was pretty adorable.

Viv waited and didn’t say a word. She could tell Eric wanted to ask her what was going on between the two of them, but it was clear to see he wasn’t quite comfortable just asking the question. Normally, she was not a fan of awkward silences, but Viv couldn’t lie, it was sort of fun to see the big, bad police chief squirm.

The radio attached to his shoulder sounded and he pressed the button on the side to silence it. Irritation clouded his perfectly chiseled face as he sighed. “I need to get going. Have fun at book club.”

Viv wiggled her fingers in a wave. “See ya.”

As she walked up the path to Lily and Eric’s house, she wondered what the conversation was like between Eric and Glenn. It might seem strange, but even hearing that Glenn had told Eric that they had gone on a trip together, she didn’t think for one second that he told Eric what they’d done together, or what they’d gone to do, or what she’d found.

Never in her life had she trusted a man before. But with Glenn, she had no doubts.

When she walked onto the porch Lily opened the door and ushered her in greeting her with an enthusiastic welcome. It was strange getting this type of reception because normally it was a casual open-door policy and you just walked in and found the group. Viv could see that the rest of the book clubbers were gathered in the living room and kitchen.

She started to head that way when Lily pulled her into a small alcove where coats were stored and whispered conspiratorially, “Did Eric ask you about Glenn?”

“Were you watching out the window?”

“Yes girl, I’ve been dying to find out what happened on your overnight trip.” Lily’s eyes danced with excitement.

Since Lily was keeping her voice quiet Viv assumed that she hadn’t filled everyone else at the book club in on her adventure. Which was good, since she hadn’t even told her sisters.

“We just went up the coast.”

Lily’s face was still looking like she was on pins and needles waiting for more information.

“It was a spur of the moment thing,” Viv continued.

Lily nodded, still looking expectant.

“Zoe had Bree so we just went on a quick road trip.” Viv wasn’t sure how many different ways she could say the same thing.
