Page 52 of Sex on the Beach

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“Any man that’s not interested in you, who isn’t already spoken for, should have their head examined, because they are obviously not in their right mind.”

She smiled and continued her walk around the perimeter. When she looked out over the courtyard her face lit up. “Oh, there’s dancing! It’s just like in Hope Floats.”

I loved watching her get so excited over something as common as the community dance they held every year at the end of the festival. She was such a unique mix of innocence and worldliness. Today I’d learned that she spoke four languages, yet had never been to the countries where they were spoken. She was an accomplished pianist and composer but had never performed on stage, only online. She’d earned her MBA in half the time it normally takes, yet her face lights up when she sees a group of folks cuttin’ a rug.

I’d been looking for an excuse to touch her, and this presented me with the perfect one. I stood and offered her my arm. “Care to?”

“Really?” Her brows lifted. “You can dance?”

“Baby, I’m a good Southern boy. I was born two-steppin’.”

She started to take my arm but then hesitated. “But I don’t know how.”

“Don’t worry. I’ll lead.”

The smile that spread on her face sent my head spinning. She placed her hand in mine and warmth filled my chest at the thought that she trusted me. Sure, the stakes weren’t that high. It was just a few spins around the dancefloor. But apparently my emotions didn’t know the difference between that and life and death.

We walked down the steps and across the grass to the patio that was the designated dance floor. I showed her the steps, twice, and then I tugged her hand and we took our place in line. The next few songs we line danced through, and then a slow song hit.

That was the moment I’d been waiting for. I tugged her into my arms and she willingly surrendered to my hold.

She rested her head against my chest and sighed. “Thank you. You have no idea what that means to me.”

I could feel that there was truly a significance to her statement that I was missing. I didn’t think this unicorn of a woman was a liar, but I did get the feeling I wasn’t getting the whole story. And my spidey senses were telling me whatever I didn’t know was a pretty damn big thing.

Instead of dwelling on what I didn’t know, I decided to concentrate on what I did. I knew that I had the most beautiful woman I’d ever laid eyes on in my arms. I knew that I felt something for her I’d never felt for anyone else before. I knew that I never wanted this dance, this night, this moment to end.

A calm washed over me. A sense of peace and serenity settled into my bones. The sensations were so foreign it took me a moment to put my finger on exactly what I was feeling.

Then I knew exactly what it was…I was happy. I was truly, completely happy.

I wasn’t thinking about food, or the next time I was going to be out on my boat, or how old Sherlock was getting. I was just being there in the moment. I was exactly where I wanted to be, doing exactly what I wanted to be doing.

And I never wanted the feeling to go away.
