Page 57 of Sex on the Beach

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When Jimmy had dropped me off the night before, he’d given me a kiss that would’ve made Madonna blush. I’d stumbled into Mrs. B’s drunk, and not off the Sweet Tea Moonshine. I’d been intoxicated by Jimmy. He’d poisoned my bloodstream.

I’d been so tipsy off of his ninety-proof smooch that I hadn’t realized until I woke up this morning that we hadn’t made any plans to see each other again. I grabbed the phone, sure that it would be his name displayed on the screen.

I’d been half right. It was a Comfort, just not Jimmy.

“Hey, Cheyenne.” My voice was a little more chipper than usual due to overcompensating for the disappointment I was experiencing.

“Hi! I just wanted to thank you for the tests. They just showed up at my door.”

“No problem.” I’d had them rush delivered. It wasn’t as if I’d been close to either of my parents, but I did find some reassurance in knowing who they were. I could only imagine that it must be something Cheyenne would want to get resolved as soon as possible.

“I asked my brothers and they all agreed to give me DNA samples. I’m going to collect them today and get them sent off.”

I’d made a note in the account that the tests were A1 priority so I assumed the results would be back within the next couple of days. I just hoped that the outcome was what she was hoping it would be. “That’s great!”

“Do you have plans for tonight?”

Sadly, no.


“Well, you do now. I want to take you out as a thank you.”

“You really don’t have to do that.”

“I know I don’t. I’m gonna text Nadia and Reagan, too. We can have a girl’s night. I’ll pick you up at seven. Mrs. B’s, right?”


“See ya tonight.”

“See ya.” I hung up the phone, happy to finally have a person in my life that I felt I could call a friend.

As much as I would’ve liked to see Jimmy that night, a girl’s night might be just what I needed. And, hey, I could check off number sixty-five. Girl’s night.
